It isn’t fair the team with leavers lose full SR

But SR isn’t key. It is

If you MMR is still the same, in the next match, if you perform and win, you will gain more than 25sr.

I used to be like you, worried about my SR. Then I realised it just doesn’t matter.

Improve and climb, don’t improve and just mess about, none of it actually matters. That little number and symbol are irrelevant and won’t impress anyone.

Now a leaver ruining a game. That sucks, I agree. The quality of the match is key. Everyone just wants close competitive matches. But there isn’t a lot you can do if someone just walks away.

Wolfex and Nightwing are like a couple at this point. :sweat_smile:

He just doesn’t understand, he keeps going on about MMR this MMR that, losing SR doesn’t matter to him, which is silly.

Yes you gain MMR for playing well, yes you gain more SR when you play better and win, but the point of this thread is leavers LOSING peoples SR, and competitive is all about SR.

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No. To you competitive is all about SR.

Which is why you tilt, and get mad, and then complain when you can’t climb.

I was the same, hovering around the bronze/silver mark. Then I realised that I was holding me back. Stopped worrying about SR, focused on what I could do and boom, few seasons later heading for Diamond.

If I just wanted SR, I could get my friend who is GM/T500 to buy another account and duo with me… or let him log in to my account and boost it… But what use is that to anyone. SR is just a number.

Competitive IS about SR, how are you not getting that!? The point of competitive is to get higher SR!

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And this is why you can’t push on.

If all you want is SR, just get boosted. Or search online for a GM account for sale.

Or, you can just forget about that nonsense, work on being a better player, playing with better groups and miraculously you will just have more SR over time anyways.

Stack with like minded, chilled individuals. You will learn so much more about the game.

Absolutely not the case. There’s literally no reasoning with you. Competitive is about SR, clearly, Quickplay isn’t, clearly.


Competitive is about SR to you.

This is why you are arguing with yourself.

I am just telling you to chill out and focus on things that are actually a little more important. Small personal improvements.

As said, if all you want is SR… Just cheat. People will be just as impressed.

Oh my god… You’re clueless.




At least I am not so desperate for a few numbers that I get mad at people.

Just chill. Enjoy playing the game.

If you are any good, you will climb. If not, so be it.

it is never fair for a team with leavers to lose SR, however because it happens in equal measures on all teams it cancels itself out.

matches you shouldn’t have lost because of leavers are gonna be roughly the same amount of games you shouldn’t have won because of leavers in the opposing enemy team.

if you don’t like throwers/leavers, get an actual team that’s your only solution because there isn’t a solution that blizzard will whip up instantly just because you complained about it.


Worry about what you can control.

You can control who you play with. After that, you just have to roll with the punches.

Also, never once on any posts about leavers has anyone come up with a solution on how to stop leavers… Only that they are obsessed with SR and want a refund or reduction… Which doesn’t solve the problem of leavers, just eases a bit of the rash some of the play base get.

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leavers really isn’t much of a problem, people would probably have lost anyways if they played with people that frail that they aren’t able to stick around to maybe clutch a draw or try to have a decent game where they might actually learn something.

you cannot force someone to stay in a game they don’t want to be a part in and that will never get fixed no matter what type of game you are in that revolves around having other people playing with you.

so as players we just has to accept that these types of things do happen and we can’t be so naive to think it only happens to us.

and to remove SR loss from people who leave far after the game has started is not a solution since then you can just leave and never lose SR.

so it is what it is, accept, embrace and adapt.


Usually the tilted people that leave, leave games that are already lost out of frustration.

Maybe to the 5 remaining, if they just played better and weren’t so annoying the match wouldn’t have been so bad and that person might have stayed… lol.

Could the solution to most of the games perceived issues be just getting better at the game… Maybe a little.

Then again even the best players in the world make the small mistakes that lead to complete steam rolls.

yeah this game definitly isn’t like a tug of war, there’s simply too much power at play.

the real solution is to have a 1v1 viable competitive option and let people who form teams play the team modes since random teams with strangers is just a bad idea in general.

As the player Ball said… Overwatch is not a solo queue game and comp should be for 6 stacks.

Do tournaments, use a teams average MMR to match them into the correct tournament and go from their.

Turn quick play in to just being the game of Overwatch. You want a better MMR, and thus be in better ranked tournaments… Then grind the game, improve and raise your MMR.

Actually winning tournaments would be something to brag about. Not SR. Who cares that your 40sr higher than someone else…lol.

that would be ideal.
however the game would seize being a casual game at that point because a lot of casuals like SR as an incremental progression reward.

and doing that would probably alienate a lot of the playerbase, so i don’t know.
it would be healthier for sure, but it would probably be a less popular game for it.

but i’d probably say it’s worth doing since the game is going in a more competitive direction anyways since less and less casual players are gonna stick around because the game have been out for quite a while now.

Love that every thread I enter is:

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You’re completely right. This system doesn’t suit soloQ at all, and it’s most likely the main way people play.

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well it wasn’t ment to be competitive to go soloQ but they did it anyways.
it’s almost like people should come to their senses and play QP instead of competitive because they don’t belong there.

people think pulling rank on somebody on ladder is something worth talking about, that’s like bragging about your participation trophy being bigger isn’t it?

pointless mode for pointless people.