It isn’t fair the team with leavers lose full SR

As the player Ball said… Overwatch is not a solo queue game and comp should be for 6 stacks.

Do tournaments, use a teams average MMR to match them into the correct tournament and go from their.

Turn quick play in to just being the game of Overwatch. You want a better MMR, and thus be in better ranked tournaments… Then grind the game, improve and raise your MMR.

Actually winning tournaments would be something to brag about. Not SR. Who cares that your 40sr higher than someone else…lol.

that would be ideal.
however the game would seize being a casual game at that point because a lot of casuals like SR as an incremental progression reward.

and doing that would probably alienate a lot of the playerbase, so i don’t know.
it would be healthier for sure, but it would probably be a less popular game for it.

but i’d probably say it’s worth doing since the game is going in a more competitive direction anyways since less and less casual players are gonna stick around because the game have been out for quite a while now.

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You’re completely right. This system doesn’t suit soloQ at all, and it’s most likely the main way people play.

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well it wasn’t ment to be competitive to go soloQ but they did it anyways.
it’s almost like people should come to their senses and play QP instead of competitive because they don’t belong there.

people think pulling rank on somebody on ladder is something worth talking about, that’s like bragging about your participation trophy being bigger isn’t it?

pointless mode for pointless people.