It's happening again!

Yes it’s happening again, butt hurt players expressing their frustration by spamming the report option.

Do I harass and insult? nope.
Yet I do get reported for it, amazingly professional and fair isn’t it Blizzard?


Your recent communication behavior is not in line with how most Overwatch players communicate. "

Of course it’s not in line with how most other players communicate, they only spam gg ez, call you names, tell you to F off etc.
My socially superior attitude is indeed not in line, better report me for it.

“You have been reported multiple times for Abusive Chat, and further reports may result in you losing communication privileges, being suspended, or facing account closure.”

The only things I communicate are in regards of the game it self and the events that are transpiring during the match.
And not insults, flames or rages toward an individual player or a group of players.

"Please help us create the best possible Overwatch community by staying positive and not resorting hateful, discriminatory, obscene or disruptive messages. "

Ironic isn’t it? I’m one of the friendliest players towards his team, my friend list went from 20 friends to 54 in 3 weeks. Reached endorsement 3 in 2 days until my recent silence was lifted.

Besides that “hateful, discriminatory, obscene”? Why would I stoop to that level? I’m a product of a interracial marriage. I am part of a minority culture, I am being faced with discriminatory/hateful opinions on nearly a daily basis what would make blizzard assume I would execute this myself? Disruptive? good game, well played! I guess that’s disruptive as well.

Or is " could you please swap to a more appropriate hero for a better comp" classified as disruptive?

Or is having fun during a FFA match by pointing out events occurring during the match? disruptive as well? It’s a social feature in-game to have a nice chat and or talk about the game/match it self.

If people are annoyed by these harmless normal appropriate topics, here’s a pro tip: CTRL+SHIFT+C hides your chat, isn’t that awesome? If you can’t handle social interactions, why not just hide it all together?

In the end it’s just salty players who can’t handle a superior player both in gameskill and socialskills. And simply report people out of frustration and anger.

And Blizzard is supporting this form of trolling.

Fun fact:

Valve included penalties for actually abuse the report system and or votekick options etc.

Where you will receive a penalty for abusing any of the report/kick systems, to filter out the problem Overwatch currently suffers from.
for example vote-kicking too many people during competitive play, will result in you getting a ban for several days.
Falsely reporting people for cheating and or any abusive chats? And your reports will eventually be ignored, etc.

Take notes Blizzard, you did a great job in Wow, where your gm’s actually investigated every report, now you’re just auto banning people after an x amount of report without any evidence to justify the bans.

Safest way to play overwatch is just to say nothing at all, not in chat, not in voice chat.

And even then you’re still risking a ban as this is literally happening to me right now.

As I set my chat activity to a bare minimum since my most recent 7 day chat ban for no legit reason.

And it’s just happening again.

+1 for trying to improve your community, -1 for using a troll-able and abuse-able system.


Happens to everyone. Most likely, everyone will get silenced and suspended due to false reports sometime in their Overwatch career. There’s nothing you can do about it.

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It’s outrageous.
You’re basically getting punished for being a better player.
It’s ridiculous.

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Like I said, happens to everyone. Blizzard don’t read forum posts unless they have a crazy amount of replies, so this one will never get read. All you can do is hope to not get false reported.

Don’t worry my friend got silenced for calling people walnuts

Blizzards bully system gets you silenced/banned for no actual reason at all other than people disliking you. Try to piss off people as little as possible if you don’t want to feel its full force.

Never been silenced. Two bans, a whole bunch of suspensions because of games I left but never silenced.

Don’t try to educate your team.
Only say how good they are.
Only tell them what they did good.
Only blame yourselves.

I live by that rule, yes if there’s are throwing torb. Okay report and keep on living.
Anything you try to say to torb won’t be nice = bann so don’t say anything trust me.

I’m over lvl 900 and had 0 message and 0 actions against my account.

I know it sounds sad but that’s how you avoid being reported often.

Yes I also had a guy reporting me in qp bc I was widow with 10hp and I didn’t try to run 1v6 on the payload. Things happen, just don’t engage and ignore them.
You’re better off like this.

Lines like torb we need healer, are bad.
We could use a healer don’t we? And no more attacks to the other picks is all you can do.
If df doesn’t swap, he won’t swap if you tell him insults or anything that could be taken as a insult.

Ofc if someone randomly loses his mind you can’t do anything about it.
My friends like to say: hero x/y you are useless swap pls
And they think it was asked nicely, i would be triggered by that. Bc he has no rights to say that other than swap and try it himself.

Nobody is forced to fill needed roles, so the tank also has no rights to tell the dps to swap.

I play with the mind: if i get a good comp, I’m goddamn lucky if not? It’s the usual.


i dont wanna say anything bad about the game,but overwatch is known for its toxic community and butthurt twelve year olds

Blizzard even gave them a tool and power in hand to outright ban other players for no reason.

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Guys this is the same person who made this thread.

Since this competitive community only exists out of people only wanting to play what they feel like rather than providing a strong and successful comp.

I decided to only play widow from now on out.
I don’t care about my rank anymore, I don’t care about your opinions nor frustrations anymore.

It’s just a game and everyone should feel safe to play whatever they feel like to play.

Congratulations community you made me equally toxic as you are.

I will no longer roll support for people who only roll dps and only try to get kills.

Nope, I’ll just join them and play however I want.
Even though it’s competitive and not casual quick play.
Because it’s what you want.

And Blizzard doesn’t care for releasing any proper MM queue mechanic such as role specific queue.

So you’ll just have to deal with it.

I’m only palying overwatch for 1 week. And I haven’t been this toxic in my entire life before.

Good job.

Git gud

and said this

My steam profile has over 30 pages of raging call of duty black ops 2 players leaving a comment.

It’s a shame Battlenet doesn’t have any comment options for profiles, could use the entertainment.

I could go on but the rest would require more context. Just look at his posts


I wanted to throw in the r/quityourbullsh1t content into this thread but you already did it.

To you, Marten, your behavior in the forums are most likely reflecting your behavior during the game. Given the fact that you aren’t always so nice, it wouldn’t make me wonder that you have some offensive moments.

Also, you know that the report system works fully automatic. You can still appeal to lift the ban. If the reports are legit, the GM will tell you 3 lines as an example of your offensive behavior.

Until then, you shouldn’t pull such a drama for something you’ve dealt with only partially.

I’m just wondering how truthful you are being if you managed to get sanctioned more than once in such a short space of time.

The OTP actually reminds me of a “Nice Guy”. They brag how kind they are, how many friends they made, their endorsement lvl, their progressive actions like interracial marriage and when they get caught red handed by social standarts (after all, the atuomated system relies on many players reporting them), they cry how unfair it is because apparently they are so pure.

But what is telling you more, their anecdotal explanation on how pure they are or the factual evidence that they got penalized more than once and their posts on the forum which are contradictions to their “purity”?

Yes, the report system has its flaws. The CoC is phrased vaguely to make it easy to deal with appeals and people can exploit the report system by begging for mass reports. However, If you get penalized multiple times, it definetly isn’t the flawed system’s fault; It’s your own fault.

Nailed it!

No it doesn’t. I talk an awful lot and never had any actions taken against me. Once someone told me they’d report me for not triharding in PvE (normal) as Torb, but that’s all.

As a side note, Suhayb, Marten, and a lot of other players fall victim to the hasty generalisation and the personal incedulity fallacy.

A personal incedulity is opposing an argument for the sole reason that you personally can’t understand the argument. A hasty generalisation is using evidence by a minority (mostly anecdotal) to make a statement regarding the majority of the affected group.

A few players get banned for reasons I don’t understand. Therefore, Everyone will get banned for nothing.

Of course, the argument isn’t invalid just because it has logical fallacies - That would be a Fallacy Fallacy - but it is still interesting what you can find if you dissect a flawed argument.

I read way too much about logical fallacies, don’t I?

It’s Atrophy the person who always passively aggressively trolls people . And again I flagged your comment as a harassment.

My actions on the forum are totally different than in-game.
My actions on the forums are usually based on people like Atrophy being anti-social, always flaming on others or simply not contributing to the subject matter but directly attacking the op like this comment or simply anyone that shares a different opinion he does.

Besides that my comments and post do not contain any offensive, hate speech, discriminatory content so you’re once again wrong and not contributing to the subject but you’re only lashing out on me again.

I too would love to point out all your actual toxicity on the forums but if I had to go over all your comments it would be a 2 week job, because there’s so many of them.

So in short the quotes you quoted were topics where I ironically addressed issue in the game, without actually violating any of the terms of use, thus unworthy being banned for even when used in game.

Now the time and effort you take on actually going through my posting history as a direct means of mocking me, harrassing me and once again call me toxic, offensive, discriminatory based on prejudice and assumptions is indeed however a direct personal attack and actually offensive. So good job to you “FatBluDragon” & “Atrophy” especially when you made the comments look like I’m the bad guy with out the entire proper context behind them and your passive aggressive replies to them.

If you don’t want to read the block of text, just skip over to the last part.

Contradictions (open me)

Offensive line nr. 1. Using ad hominems by attacking the person is offensive and doesn’t weaken their argument.

Offensive line Nr. 2. There was no need to insult Atrophy by calling them anti-social.

Hold on, let me add something:

Thank for once again proving my point on the community’s socials skills and maturity.

Offensive Line Nr. 3. Using the hasty generalization fallacy, you insulted the whole community as immature and anti-social.

Ad Hominem tu Quoque Fallacy. Atrophy’s behavior has nothing to do with your behavior. After all, you were the one who got banned, not Artrophy.

You are attacking a strawman. What Artrophy showed was evidence that were contradicting your argument. You claim that you are a “nice guy”; Athrophy proved you wrong, which already does the fact that you got penalized multiple times.

Wonderful, then stop being a hypocrite and give some proper context! You are claiming that Blizzard is the bad guy without the entire proper context behind your penalty because you haven’t appealed to lift the penalty yet. You know you got penalized but you don’t know why and start assuming that they were wrong, not you.

You claim to be the nicest person in the world, bragging how friendly and progressive you are, yet you showed multiple times that you can be offensive, too. Context doesn’t matter because if that line is offensive, it is offensive and thus reportable. So technically speaking, your reply where you call Artrophy a Troll and anti-social can be flagged for being insulting.

You made yourself look like the bad guy because you were bragging how “nice” you are and we just proved you wrong. None of us said that you are the bad guy. We provided contradictions, nothing more. In the end, it’s your prejudice towards people who disagree with you that made you think that way. It’s your own fear of being wrong that lead to your reaction. And you were calling us the guys with prejudice and assumptions. Ironic, isn’t it?

Now then, let’s boil it all down. Your argument, how “nice” you are, is completely anecdotal. Contradicting evidence on the forum and the multiple penalties are factual. If you really want to prove how “nice” you are, prove it with factual evidence. How? By eliminating one of the contradicting evidence.

If you truly are a “nice” guy, you should be able to appeal and get your penalty lifted. If it fails, then your whole thread falls apart because a review of a GM has proven you wrong. A GM would have proven that you aren’t the “nice” guy you brag to be.

stop telling these stories about Blizzard lifting suspensions, all they lift are nonsense automatic template responses and ticket closures. They have no evidence nor time/manpower for reviewing/analyzing what they have.
You shouldn’t be required to be nice in order to not get banned in the first place at all like in any other game out there, not breaking rules should suffice.

There you go again, twisting and turning my comments.

He is always arguing in a passive agresive manner just like you are doing right now.

You’re ignoring the subject matter of the topic and you’re attacking the OP instead.
Same thing Atrophy does.

And my line wasn’t offensive, it’s a fact, just browse his comment history.

And if you’re pointing out offensiveness on my end start with your own comments first, you’re like a child pointing fingers, but remember when you’re pointing 1 fingers there’s always 3 three pointing back at you.

OFfensive line? He is being unsocial by attacking me in every post I create.

Offensive line 3: You’re once again taking partial quotes from a long overstretched comment section. Leaving out context making it indeed look like a bad thing. It’s called propaganda adjusting and altering information to make it look like something in your favor.

Granted I did use the " dick " word.

But you’re literally providing the anti social behavior I have mentioned before. Thus proving the points I made in the past and in this post to 100% accurate.

You’re part of the problem and you’re not only bringing your trolling to the game but even on to the forums.

Your 4th quote, nor has my forum comments have to do anything with my in-game behavior thus offensive generalization and accusations from both you and him.

your 5th quote:

What Artophy showed was bits and pieces of information that might make look bad when taken out of context without actually providing all the details and actual nature of the comments thus manipulating the content to the extend where it favors him in order put me in bad daylight. So you’re clearly doing yourself right now.

You’re not providing evidence you’re taking bits and pieces without the full context hoping it’s enough to get what you want. Which is a raise out of me? or just simply trying to influence the forum community in to disliking me because I contradicted you multiple times in the past, without stooping to your petty attempts of manipulation.

Besides that the post regards in-game behavior and not the forum behavior so again you’re bringing up things that have nothing to do with the original content. Like I have mentioned before both to you and the other guy, Stick to the subjectmatter or don’t reply at all.

As you’re only trying to troll people and have actually never anything valuable to contribute.

Every time your going through these great lengths of trying to portray me as bad guy is just proving my point in regards of the community to be valid even more.

Atrophy never adds anything to my posts he’s just there to tell me I’m wrong and trying to get a riase out of me.

And you usually defend him, and you’re usually the only one who does.
It might make you wonder if you’re not the same person.
But that’s being prejudice and making assumptions and that is something you and him love to do and I won’t stoop to such lower levels of thinking.

Just note that I reported you both for constantly trying to mock, harass and manipulate me and my content for your own personal entertainment.

You think you’re being smart but you’re being really immature.