i think that everyone can agree that your kill being stolen when you did 180 to a 200hp character and while youre fighting some random mf just jumps in and steals your kill. thats why i would like yall to implement something in which when youve done a specific percentage of damage to some guy, lets say 80-85% that you get the kill.
i hope that anyone who reads this likes it and if you dont please tell me why
So if you duel someone and they kill you but you did a lot of dmg to them and they heal up and someone kills them “legit” you still get the kill but not the real killer? Sounds like stupid idea to me.
no i mean when youre still alive but someone outta nowhere jumps in and steals your kill
So? So you you are in a game of FFA. You see 2 guys fighting. You wait till they are done and them let the other guy honorably heal and then you take the fight? Or what?
where tf did you learn to read b
Because it’s Deathmatch (as opposed to Almost Deathmatch). It’s a free for all and yes part of the game is swooping in and killing the two guys who have dealt each other damage.
No because the point of deathmatch is to get the kill you either get really good and kill them quick or you become the person to sneak up behind and kill steal or clean up
I think this.
Even in normal games, last hits matter the most. An enemy on 1 hp is infinite times more dangerous than an enemy on 0.
Deathmatch is garbage anyway coz half of the heroes can’t even use ults. Worst mode ever introduced.
Half of the heroes… Can you elaborate? Like who? Every hero can use their ult in DM. Prove me wrong.
You’re right, they can. But compare usefullness of high noon with mercy ult in deathmatch.
Deathmatch is GOOD, but competetive deathmatch is pointless.
I would argue that mercys ult is her most useful skill in DM. And I would win that argument any day. Highnoon can be useful like it can be in normal games, but its one of the most useless ults in the game non the less.
Comp DM is justa goof like comp ctf or comp lucio ball. If you dont like it, dont play it. Some people like to see how high they could rank in a goof mode that is not balanced because the game is balanced around the 6v6.
Exactly man! I don’t play it at all because of these.
And yeah you’re right, its a goof mode.
And i also understand that its fun for some people to be rank1 in competetive with nucelar bomb against others… who are throwing bananas at you
I dont understand the nuclear bomb to bananas. Are you saying that the guy who is rank 1 in comp dm is playing bastion vs 7 mercys every game or something?
All I’m saying is deathmatch is for people playing selected heroes.
You won’t be rank1 with mercy. Not a chance.
If everyone counters you then you should switch. You can be rank 1 with mercy, but if you one trick then yeah its gonna be hard. Its gonna be hard with any char if you keep one tricking because people can counter you.
They should make a system where if you get 30% kill participation you get 0.3 eliminations if you get 100% you get 1 elimination and if you get 50% you get 0.5 dm would be fixed quite fast this way.
Half of the heroes… Can you elaborate? Like who? Every hero can use their ult in DM. Prove me wrong.