Lock queue for nearly finished game

As the title says, simply lock the queue for games with X amount of seconds left on the clock.

Way too often do I enter a game just to behold the DEFEAT title on screen and re-enter the queue… super frustrating.


I enjoy free XP once in a while but I get it can be frustrating, I don’t always stay in games where I’m backfilling either but that’s just selfish, the team with a leaver doesn’t deserve to get stomped because someone ragequit.

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Here is the thing - people who play QP love the freedom. Awhile ago Blizzard did try to change QP in Heroes of the Storm, tried to make it more fair at the expense of queue times. They had to revert it because the majority does not like waiting. I imagine it’ll be a similar case here, the majority wants to quit whenever they want, especially if the game is already lost.

i hate it when people leave at the end of the game and there’s no point in joining, i leave the game as soon a possible when it joins me in near the end but sometimes if not most times i end up getting penalized for leaving the game.
this makes me frustrated and quite frankly upset because there was no choice but to leave when my team had already lost when i joined.

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You hate it yet you leave games too . LOL And you cry about back filling , so by your logic you should be allowed to leave games but you should never fill when someone else leaves qp or arcade. WTF is that logic.

I hope you enjoy finishing (losing) your matches 5v6.

I don’t mind joining games in progress and back filling as long as there is actually some time left on the clock to get a fight. What I was talking about is joining and not even being able to leave spawn.

I personally think it makes no sense for the queue system to consider those games to be valid candidates.

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