Locked out of overwatch

hi, im not entirely sure if this will get any interaction but im honestly running out of options and would really like any advice/help that can be offered. TLDR at the end if you dont want to read all the details.

I am more or less completely locked out of my overwatch account. I (clearly) have full access to my battlenet and everything but when i launch overwatch it tells me my account is locked. I do not have any emails notifying me of a suspension/ban and it says nowhere on my account that it’s banned, just locked. When i launch the game it tells me i need to enter a code that is sent to my sms, however im getting no codes sent at all (even after 10/15 attempts) im 90% sure it’s not an issue with my provider as im getting other automated texts just fine (bank, other games etc.) but i will eventually look at that if i have no other options. It will not let me choose a different verification option even though I have my email and the app authenticator available. Blizzard/battlenet support has been absolutely useless and trying to find a real human to talk to feels impossible lol.

The option I’ve come to at this point is changing my account phone number, but the following paragraph that appears when you try to change your phone number is stressing me out a little lmao:

“We will send you a verification SMS to verify your Battle.net account. If you are requested to add a phone number to access any free to play game, you must enter your phone number above to download and play the game. You are limited to one free license per game. You can delete your mobile phone number at any time in your Battle.net account but the associated free license will be terminated accordingly.”

I basically want to know if anyone knows what this means or if it applies to overwatch, or if there’s anything else i should try to fix this issue.

Thank you in advance, sorry for the essay.

TLDR: locked out of my overwatch account, will changing my account phone number erase my overwatch game data?

Hey Snake, with the lock issue you have you’ll need to re-verify the account. If you can’t do that with your current SMS phone number you can ticket for the SMS phone number to be removed and reset for you. Doing that shouldn’t cause any losses to the game or it’s data.

For that you’ll need to verify your account ownership though and mention your issue with the current Overwatch 2 account lock too. You can report this from here.

Or just making battle.net more useable? Guy shouldn’t need to change a registered number , I know your sms verification system has been cursed for over the decade as I only use the sms 2FFA because the email verification is even worse (takes average 15 minutes to get the verification, sometimes gets lost in the void), sometimes not even prompting on new devices until my account got hacked recently and you losers won’t do nothing because blizzard hires greedy cucks


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Overwatch 2 account is “locked” in BattleNet app