Looking for a main mercy - from high silver to plat- from 1900 sr to 2500 sr- eu comp

Hello everyone,

We are a bunch of otp guys (main mostly one of the characters they fall in love with), and now we are looking for someone who is in love and love to play mercy, and if we ask him to switch, he beat us all, and we can also sacrifice a teamate in the ilios well altar, to beg for our mercy forgiveness.

Well there are 3 rules easy for some but not for all:

-we are otp (s76.Ana.orisa), we can switch but not much we can switch to zenya lucio winston bastion mc ree if needed but dont count on it too much we re better at what we do with our mains, it can be a problem with some playing with otp people.

-irl life, we all love overwatch and you will see us most of the time playing overwatch and we dont lie we can probably play another game or take a big pause from overwatch or just attend to real life matters ( yes its a shame we cant be 7/24 playing even if we want to, and WE WANT TO) everyone is free to play when he wants but 80% of the time you will find us in game.

-Even as a mercy main you are eager to learn more self improvement comes first (your will) then ofc the teamates can help you out by training sending you tutorials and interessting stuff to improve yourself.

We mostly do comp but ofc you can qp solo or with us as a part of yourself improvement and training, everyone is doing training by himself solo qp or creating a game to get better for comp we all did that and still doing it if we find something interesting we need to master it, do your best thats all we ask its perfect.

Well the mood is good you could find this strange but we all thrust each other as teammates as everyone is special and have a brain enjoys the game listen to teammates suggestion good and bad (nothing is bad ignoring improvement is bad we review we discuss we advance) we advance together and one important point we always think about each other and help each other before the battles teammates comes first.

Ages are between 25 and 34 we dont rage, we are not toxic in loosing getting killed we dont blame and its very important if you are here to learn and forget (that the hard part we all been through that) the errors who seemed good to you in the first place, you will find yourself thanking us as you were doing wrong before, if you are the self improving type and thinking about what can you do to help your teammates and enjoy your game, as they will do for you its perfect.

All teammates without exeption are here for you and ofc as you are here for them.

Your elo must be from silver to plat and your are in a DEEP LOVE playing as a mercy, we need you to enjoy your game.

There is no elo limit to you because of yourself improvement, we climb as far as higher we can all of us none is left behind we all go to master or top 500 as one and again teammates comes first in any battle thrust the teammates fighting beside you if you die, without a doubt your teammates did or couldnt get to you in time but in their mind you were first, everyone is first, everyone got each other back and if you dont die keep up the good work with ana :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry for the long post but its necessary you need to know us, We need 1 mercy and there is a long road awaiting for us as we plan to go as far as we can as friends and teammates.

Feel free to add me in the blizzard app:


See you soon mercy :slight_smile: