Looking for mature friendly players!

Hello all!
I am a Swedish guy at the age of 37 that plays a few times a week with my English friend who are 28 years old, we normally mostly plays QP or Arcade but dont do to much of Comp due to the toxicity from random players! we always do the placement games for points tho, and normally ends up around 2.5-3k Plat.
My friend mains Rein but likes to flex most chars, I dont rly main anything but normally end up picking last what the team needs the most, I prefeer playing Zen, Ana, Zarya, Roadhog, Mei or Genji tho!
The reason for this post is that we both want to play more comp, but with ppl that can take a loss and dont rage!
We are therefor looking for players around our age and bracket to get to know and practice our roles and communication in QP before playing Comp.
So if you feel that this might be something for you, reply this topic and we will take it from there :slight_smile:

hey there I used to comp and due to the toxicity aswell I just do QP now, I am also English and above 30+ too and usualy play with older bunch from too would to try comp with a team,I play what most needed too I like zarya/Orisa as tanks and baptist/mercy and lucio support and pharrah/Mei and soldier as my dps Add me DIalect#2351

Hey! we have a little community with the players mostly in your SR range, we have a group of “Mature Gamers” im 33 and i struggle to play comp to the toxicity. Let me know you if you interested it will be good to get a group of us all together.

Hello DIalect!
Thank you for your replay, gonna add you as soon as I log on Battle. net

Hello jonnyandwot!
Thank you for your post, but me and my friend are not looking for a community at this point, we rather want to try form our own small team!