Looking for players to play and climb together

hi, i’m looking for players to play and climb with. i had kind of a late start into the game, mostly i’m ranked around gold / silver.

i like to play support heroes and also off-tanks.

mostly i’m available evening/night time, during summer.

i try to be friendly and appreciative to others, i’m mature and very happy if i get advice.

best regards :smiley:


Greetings; I am recruiting for a gaming community with over 1500+ members. We use TeamSpeak3 as our communication and give out free coaching for multiple games and have a very active playerbase. If you are interested please let me know :smiley:

snowball, we’ve a overwatch team on a website guilded.
if you want to join search to guilded, and log in and search overwatch NL hexa squad.

hope to see you there

My sr is around 1600
I mostly play DPS bas, junkrat, reaper
tank : Hog
Support : Mercy