Looking to make some friends


I used to play Overwatch quite a lot but look a break from the game to indulge in some other games. I play the game most evenings and enjoy quickplay more than the other formats. I am pretty talkative and am on discord for most of the day too since I work on a computer. I like to give and recieve personalized attention so I don’t think large discord servers or communities are for me. The heroes I enjoy the most are Pharah, Mei, Zarya, Reaper and Tracer. Since I started playing again, I’ve started to pick up new heroes like Sombra, Brig and Moira. I gravitate towards people my age (late 20s, early 30s) but would certainly welcome anyone who thinks they would enjoy grouping with me. Please add me - Automation#21692

Hey Automation. I’m part of Extreme Fusion Gaming. We’re a group of friends, mostly from Europe, who play a number of games together, including Overwatch. If you’re interested, feel free to add me and get in touch.

Im down, Ill send you a friend request

Still looking. :slight_smile: