Losing 200+sr in a day

Lost over 200sr today, due to leavers and throwers today.
Had 6 games with leaver in my team, not a single time in enemy team, and lots of throwers. Like hanzo vs monkey, dps healers that keep going solo dying 1vs6 etc.


Should be easier games in lower SR window then.

Keep working on your improvements and you’ll be fine.

SR is just a number

My main concern is not realy the SR but an extremely 1 sided games. Is it no longer possible to have a single balanced game?


Play with people you know aren’t going to leave / have dodgy internet.

The more in your stack, the less likely you are to get shafted by it.

Lol, after complaining went on a 10 games winstreak, keep having gold medals and potg, so it’s not my performance, but matchmaking.
It’s a shame that after 24 seasons the matchmaking has the same issue.
Is matchmaking a rocket science for Blizzard?


No.it will be your performance. Medals and potg dont really indicate a good performance. You just played better than some in the match.

If your doing that consistently, win or lose. Then you’ll see more win than losses.

So it is always down to you, not match making.

Match maker just puts people with a similar SR number together. It can’t figure out if they are going to have a bad game. Or if someone will pop off. Or if they will even click as a team.

Blaming matchmaker for those things is just crazy. It is only looking at your SR number.

When I am on a losing streak I still had the golds and placed on card at the end.

Then keep improving.

Medals don’t tell you anything. You could have gold elims. But only got 3. Doesn’t mean anything to any one.

One thing that I’m totally confused about is the competitive point system. I just payed and lost 2 matches as a tank and my rank dropped a total of 220 points after only those two matches. Last season it only dropped around 25-30 points per loss. This makes no sense.

totally normal.

Same here, went from 2700 to 2300 then up to 2600 again etc.

The games are so uneven I dont even know where to start. Probably 1 or 2 games in 10 are good. Rest is pure ****.

Either a leaver, smurfs, someone that refuses to play the role as intended, a thrower, team that cant regroup etc. And its so random who u are playing with. It should be individual ranking not teambased.

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Leaver - nothing you can do, just move on.

Smurf - most likely weren’t one, but again, nothing you can do apart from learn to get better and beat them.

Refusing to play the role as intended - a new one… there is no “intended” way. Other than trying to win. if someone thinks they can make a play, maybe try to help them, rather than having a go when it doesn’t work.

Throwers - again… nothing you can do, just go again.

Regrouping - if they won’t regroup with you, wait for them and follow them about. Don’t just assuming someone is listening to you.

Ranking is individual, if you are unable to adapt to the situation then you will struggle. Not every games is going to be how you want it. So it is up to you to be able to adapt and adjust and make it work.

I agree completely. For example, Rocket League figured out how to do this rather seamlessly with individual rankings, but Blizzard still have their heads up their backsides with how SR is generated.
For the record, I’m just a lowly console player forever stuck in bronze, because a) I play support mainly, which means I have much less control over the outcome of matches, b) SR is now broken up over your 3 different roles (which is by far the stupidest thing they’ve done with this game), and thus c) SR is currently set up to fail as a proper measurement of skill.
Bottom line: Why is it MY fault that random saboteurs cost our team the game? But in Blizzard’s eyes, that’s not only the case, it makes sense to them. [shrug]

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So you’d like to gain SR if you play well but lose??

Then what would the the incentive to play the game correctly when you can just lock widow and click heads.

This idea would be unworkable.

And it is partially individually based… if you are playing really well, you’ll lose less in defeat and gain more in wins.

If you’re in bronze, it’s not bad matchmaking, you belong there. Things get a little hazy when you get higher, but if you play enough games you will hit a plateau of 50% winrate. If you’re losing every game then you were placed too high, if you’re winning every game, then you were probably placed too low.

I recently dropped down to plat in this season, but I was gaining 30SR for a win and losing 21 for a loss. Even with unlucky games I was still able to climb back up into mid dia

Sorry to say that, I don’t even really play support (never hit diamond on support) but if you put even a low gold support player in a bronze game, they will hard carry it

AFAIK, RL has no performance based MMR. The only thing that decides how many points you win/lose is the MMR difference between the two teams. It doesn’t matter if you win 10-0 or 1-0, it’s just a win. It doesn’t matter if you got MVP, did 10 saves and still lost 2-3 in overtime, it’s still a normal loss.

I lost about 300sr over the first few days of this week. I was playing terribly and just nothing went right.

Took a day off.

Came back, first win 112 sr gained.

I think people get too hung up on losses, and SR as a whole.

If you know you can play better, and can work on improvements, then it doesn’t matter… You will win more and climb

That is cute, because I lost 800 due to the same reasons.

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That’s unlikely. Thats 32 games with leavers in a day.

That is doubtful at best.

i can’t win a single match in this game! it’s so hard in competetive!

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