Loss of SR cause of leavers = unfair

Why do Blizzard punish a whole team because one player leaves in the middle of the game? That’s not fair and it happens quite often.

It’s not easy to climb in SR with all the smurfs and leavers, and this is something that has to be fixed.

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If 1 person leaves and the game is still active, you still have a chance to win.

So losing SR if you lose seems perfectly fair.

What would you propose as an alternative instead? I feel like losing no SR because of a leaver could easily be exploited.

I have also read these complaints a lot and they seem to come from the same sorts of profiles. High level bronze to gold accounts. I start to doubt that smurfs and leavers are the reason people can’t climb.

You can group up beforehand to prevent this from happening.

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  1. 5 randos on your team 6 randos on the enemy team -> your opponent is more likely to have a leaver.
  2. If you could freeze the rating for those not leaving, it would be easier to boost accounts by having a sacrificial leaver after a bad start. People are using this with the 2-min-rule, so that’s definitely an issue.
  3. What happens if someone leaves 2 sec before an inevitable loss? You don’t want to lose SR either? How is the game supposed to differentiate?
  4. You can control whether your team mates leave or not - to some degree. If you’re a toxic POS and noone wants to fight for you, you will have more leavers on your team than if you are proactive and encouraging on voice chat.
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Perfectly fair? What a ridiculous statement. Someone leaving your team and putting the team at a major disadvantage is not “Perfectly fair”, just because you still have a chance to win.

Still, shouldn’t happen grouped or not tbh. Many people just want to play alone.

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Well, I understand that, though it’s a tough decision to put in backfill, so I don’t think anything should be done.

You misinterpreted (probably deliberately).

I mean it is perfect fair that you lose sr for losing that game.

Not sure how you misinterpreted what I said. Then again you’re weird.

You still lost.

I agree. The gameplay sabotage works anyway so I don’t see what else can be done.

Classic Nightwing at it again. You simply stated it was fair losing SR if you lost because even with one person down, you still have a chance (Not a big one at that). No misinterpretation at all. Weird, classic coming from someone pretending to be someone else. Sigh.

You lost. What do you want to happen instead?

I can feel your pain…

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I’d obviously have liked the player to stay, since we had a good start.
It’s just so frustrating to lose SR for things that have nothing to do with you, that you can’t control.

I’m fine with losing SR if the team of 6 loses the game. What i’m not fine with, is losing SR cause Blizz servers crash and give me suspension and huge SR loss for it, people leaving, making you lose the game and then the smurfs, who just adds the cherry to the cake.

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Losing sucks, no one likes it.

But what other way could they do it that won’t be exploited.