Making competitive leavers a little less unfair

I think you haven’t understood it correctly. Imagine an AI which learns through neural network and your playstyle how to play. In an ideal scenario, that AI would be a copy of you and you wouldn’t notice that the leaver got replaced.

Right now, however, such an AI is impossible to make.

I do like the Idea of backfilling but it has its problems. How do you deal with the backfill? A compensation for the backfill for losing would either result in less serious players or SR inflation because your SR gain/loss ratio as a backfill is better than as a non-backfill. This would make competitive even worse because SR would lose its value.


If you want to read the full concept, it’s on this thread.

Also, there are already other threads with other Ideas so it’s not worth repeating the obvious ones.

Other Ideas for solving the problem by other people:

  • Compensation for leaver’s team
  • Backfilling
  • AI replaces
  • Freezing a player

All of them had flaws. Some were exploitable (Compensation for leaver’s team, Backfilling, AI replaces); Some feel unfair (freezing a player); Some are plainly impossible (decent AI replaces)

This Idea has been posted before so it’s nothing new.

To cut it short, there are (currently) no solutions that remedy the leaver problem. They just worsen it.

Even my Idea of fair-throwing is possibly a bad one because you either are never able to execute it or it will cause toxicity because your teammates think you want to lose.

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