Matchmaking can go burn in a fire

How is matchmaking still not fixed, since there have been clear issues since the day overwatch released. Whenever I play I get at least two games with players that are lvl fifty or below. Most of the time it’s just in qp, but when it happens in comp and it results in my team losing, that is when i start to draw the line.
In qp it’s fine, since poeple don’t take it as seriously. However, when my team consists of five people below lvl fifty as well as not being smurfs when the enemy team consists of players around my actual skill level it starts to become infuriating.

I could understand it if they were grouped up with someone around my skill level, but when they solo queue and still end up in my games it’s just annoying. For example, once when I solo queued right after my placements (I’m in mid plat) and somehow got a team with three poeple unranked and the rest in low gold. The poeple that were still unranked were also low gold the season before. They were all below lvl 50 except for one person. This resulted in my team losing terribly, since if you are one person against six people with the same skill level, it’s kinda hard to solo-carry.

If the development team is working on some kind of fix for this issue, fine I’ll accept that, as long as they don’t make some kind of system that makes the matchmaking even worse. The issue I’m having is that there has been these kind of issues as long as ow has existed. I’m just tired of having to play my absolute best every game, even in qp, just because my team consists of poeple who haven’t played the game and still don’t understand the mechanics.

For the poeple who base their opinions on people based on who they play most (yes these people exist), I am a Genji main, however I am willing to flex onto certain tanks, as well as some healers.

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It’s been said many times before, player level means absolutely nothing, especially when there are lots of smurfs (you don’t know if a player is smurf or not). If a below level 50 is at your rank, nothing to fix to be fair.

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Skill level /=/ account level, you can’t rank players with their lvl.

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lost all matches in comp today… struggled myself out of bronze allmost into gold… but then blizz’ crap matchmaker trolls me with the most ignorant teams… got steamrolled 4 times in a row, steamrolled the other team 1 time and then got steamrolled 4 times again… then i just ragequit and started doing arcade for some chests.

reporting people that are just plain trolling/feeding won’t get banned or even get any warning what so ever…

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This game is mostly played by trolls these days,i play only a couple of qp now and then,its dead-er than fortnite,who cares about pve events in a esport game?lololol.

yeah just make a custom game called i hate overwatch and all the plat genji mains will swarm to you and you can start a bloody cult