Matchmaking worse than ever

I don’t understand how matchmaking constantly fails so hard. What determines the teams you get matched with (and against?) mainly?

As DPS I constantly end up on teams of extremely toxic players who refuses to adjust to help team beat the other team. If you give them pointers or try to take command you get flamed and blamed for whatever is wrong.

I just don’t converse with these players and report them, but nothing ever happens.

When it comes to skills i end up with 2-3 gold medals in 90% of my games (no I do not log statistics, but seeing silver/bronze or even no medal is extremely rare in my case). Yet I have now been dragged down from over 2000 down to low 1700s cause my team has dysfunctional tanks and healers. Also there’s always this one player who gets fired up and blame everyone else, and ends up picking a random solo hero and sabotage the game.

Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t care less about my rank. Also I don’t mind losing. What I do care about though is having a fun gaming experience. Losing 10 games in a row or winning one in 5 games constantly while still actually doing my job pretty damn well considering my team as a whole gets pretty old after a while. So when I keep preforming well, but getting dragged down cause we lose the games all in all it kills my enjoyment of the game.

In your correct rank you should be at about a 50% win/loose rate, along with your team being about the same skill as myself doing their job correct (according to rank obviously).

However, this clearly isn’t what’s happening to me. Therefor I am VERY MUCH interested in learning HOW I am constantly matched with these “type” of players and if I can affect it in any way myself. Will my interactions with other players affect matchmaking? Will reports affect matchmaking (cause yes, I actually report people EVERY match now and they aren’t false reports)?

Also, anyone else experiencing this? Has it become worse than before? I’m quite new at this game so I’m just wondering if Blizzards “we are constantly working on our algorithm” is just bs or if they actually work on it.

i feel like it has been worse during the anniversary event because it brings old players back to the game which leads to the conversation about throwers and smurfs which is my problem with the game.
Also the other day, I was playing in the off tank role and was doing a pretty decent job at protecting the team. However, both of the healers on our team kept focusing on what our widow player was doing instead of focusing on healing because the tanks were dying on push because they were too focused on getting the widow to switch.