Multi million company btw

It’s funny how this game is almost 7 years old, yet I see the same issues I saw in 2017 onwards.
I recently got back into Overwatch, and the diamond lobbies still have smurfs and pharahs who are boosting their mercy egirls.
Other games like Rocket League, R6 and Valorant, and for good reason.
At this point, some ranked matches just come down to which team has the better smurf lol.

Can’t wait for the “you can learn from them!!” and “just get good” comments lmfao


What has any of this got to do with how much money the company makes?

  • It is multi-billion not million
  • budgets are departmentalised
  • they make most of their money from Call of Duty and Candy Crush.

SmUrFs… lol

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I meant they have plenty of resources to fix a simple issue many people dislike.

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They also have all the data they could ever need to decide if something is an issue.

If something hasn’t been changed there is usually 2 options.

  1. They’re working on it
  2. It isn’t an issue.

The whole smurf thing is funny. If you look at the forums you’d think it was some disease running rampant through the game. What you have to remember is the forum is used by such a tiny percentage and the reality is, the ones on here are just complaining so you’ll only ever get a negative impression coming to this echo chamber. It is rare for the complaint to be 100% legit.

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It’s so easy to make it bannable tho. It would make the competitive ladder a lot fairer even if it is “a small issue”.

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Smurfs or groups are apart of every game tbf.
The only way they can really counter the potential Mercy pocket group is by bringing in Solo Queues, but I doubt they have the online population to allow further ranked lobbies…

It already is bannable.

Considering that the manipulation required would come from either account sharing or gameplay sabotage… You get your bans there.

But it is easy to throw games and make people think you’re trying.

Smurfing is not bannable bro I don’t know what you’re on about


“Considering that the manipulation required would come from either account sharing or gameplay sabotage… You get your bans there.”

You need to perform some form of manipulation to actually smurf. You can get banned for that manipulation.

Placing lower on purpose is very easy and doesn’t require throwing. Besides, Blizzard rarely bans anyone for throwing.

I don’t understand why you are defending people who actively ruin peoples competitive experience

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Because people often false report so they just ignore a lot of reports.

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Point proven lmfaooooooooo

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Not really.

You’ve seen the thread where some morons want to report anyone playing Genji… its rubbish like that that is a problem.

Smurfing is just a tiny nuisance from time to time. If your objective is to improve at the game and climb, it won’t stop you.

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True, they only act on reports of where users use the no-no words/texts.
CS for instance use an ‘Overwatch’ facility to counter Hackers/AFKers/Throwers where the community provide their verdict.

Not necessarily true, but saying stuff like that will get you looked at quicker.

Just look at Versorius. Got him self perma banned by being toxic. Never really said any specific “no-no” stuff… but boy did we get him in the end.

I forgot to add the text ‘In my experience’.
Where do I see the Versorius bit?

You can see him trolling the forums in the past.

He mentioned he got a 30 day in game ban for being toxic. Blamed it on people being soft, but clearly didn’t get the warning. He wasn’t a good boy lol.


I stand with him Versorius side by side,earliyier this year I got ban as well 14 days I think or 7 cannot remembar.First mine ban in life I complain about it,but,deeply I knew I wasn’t in right,I broke code of conduct.