My final thoughts on Overwatch

I’ll still use the workshop as a warmup, but I’m done with playing Overwatch for anything else. Competitive in this game just isn’t competitive. You don’t have a team, you have random people who make mistakes you have no control of.

The obvious:
Smurfs ruin lower ranked for tanks/support. DPS should be able to kill them, but they’re not capable of it. I would play DPS and do that, but the queues are too long because tanks are boring.

OTPs suck to play with, but switching characters in this game feels horrible too.

6 player solo queue:
It’s just too toxic, and I don’t think it really works. 6 random people every match, all of differing experiences and skill levels, no strat synergy, no comp synergy, and are expected to not get frustrated.

The strats, comps and playstyles in OW league are completely different to how the same players play on soloQ ladder, meaning even if you play correctly for soloQ, you’re still playing incorrectly over all, because soloQ as a format doesn’t allow you access to the strats and comps your team has the potential of.

The different map play, character change play, positioning play, mechanics play (per player), game sense (per player), whether they’re on VOIP or not, all create extremely inconsistent gameplay, which can be really frustrating if you’re playing a character that can’t do anything in certain situations.

It’s what can make Tracer/Ball/Ana/Soldier better than most. You’re less reliant on your teammates, but other characters will just be overwhelmed e.g. the instant your tanks dive the wrong target and allow their DPS to get high ground.

Different people making the same mistakes. Nothing you can do about it:

  • Rein charges in and dies in every single fight. You tell him it’s throwing, and he stops.
  • Next match a different Rein is charging in and dying every fight. You tell him it’s throwing, so he picks Hog and gets 10% hook accuracy instead

Losing because people don’t switch character:
This is the main reason I’m stopping, and is one of the biggest reasons I think SoloQ sucks in Overwatch. Bad positioning? Bad CD usage? Not supporting team, or getting supported by team? Nah someone on my team isn’t switching character.

Firstly, the character switching relies on people knowing counters, or being able to play multiple characters, which just doesn’t happen.

Since the game came out Pharah has been getting free wins from people who don’t switch to a hit scan, or play tanks that get farmed by her.

I could put up with people being bad at the game and learning, but having to switch characters in a match is the weirdest and most jarring thing about this game, imo. For me personally and for my teammates.

Not wanting to switch because of ults is also an issue. Ults can be game changing, but whether you’ll get it off due to being countered, before switching, isn’t even a difficult call, it’s a near impossible call as to whether you’ll get value or not, or whether it’s worth just switching.

Not enough carry potential:
DPS have the most, but Tanks and Supports can’t carry certain situations. DPS just have ridiculous versatility.

E.g. I can pick Sigma to deal with Ball, but the Genji is going to be difficult for me to do anything about. DPS picks Soldiers/Mcree and can kill everything on their team with no problem.

If all else fails, DPS can just pick Hanzo and get free value from spamming Storm Arrows on CD.

Support is just badly designed:
They have less carry potential, apart from Ana, followed by Zen and then maaaybe Bap (stay away from that lamp guys, it’ll hurt you).

Their kits are boring and have been handicapped to make them free kills for DPS, who can do more than 50% of their HP in a shot. Brig/Moira are somehow more boring than Mercy.

Brig is just Reinhardt (zZz) lite, and as Moira you can play 300000 APM and still lose, because your kit doesn’t do anything unless your team is winning a fight, or you have Ult up.

I can’t stop my team getting one shot by Widow/Hanzo or other one shots. Nor can I outheal it. What is the point in heals at this point?

I can’t make my team land headshots, and have no control over anything else they do.

My kit doesn’t allow me to make up for that by carrying myself (unless I play Ana).

Tanks are boring:
They’ve designed tanks to be really clumsy and have their damage output as unreliable as possible. This can make them extremely frustrating to play.

Wrecking Ball/Sigma/Zarya are some of the most enjoyable tanks, but you don’t always get to play them.

Winston’s ability to do well with pure gamesense is fun, but his kit is really boring.

Reinhardt is holding left click, right click, or lining up E’s, or counter Charging. It’s pretty boring, since I play on a mouse and keyboard, and not a controller with 2 buttons.

Orisa. :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:
I can solo Mercy’s with headshots and it’s still not fun. The projectile machine gun feels really clumsy.

Roadhog can be ok, but he gets a bit gimmicky. I’d prefer him to get some other form of utility and more passive defence/team support, and remove his heal. can be ok, but her damage, defensives and mobility all feel unreliable, unless you’re diving one person. Wrecking Ball feels so clean compared to her.

Tanks in this game do a huge amount of peeling and countering specific enemies. Going to 1 tank in Overwatch 2 is going to make Supports live’s a nightmare, unless they get some serious damage increases.

If Paladins is anything to go by, playing objectives is also horrible and forces tanks to be bunkers or semi-invincible, so they can hold an open point.

INB4 “just play as well as you can, ignore everyone else”:
This is a team game. You don’t have a choice of your teammates. You also don’t get to play to your potential if your teammates make too many mistakes, as you end up fighting 1v2/1v3.

It eventually becomes too frustrating and actually boring to continue. “Oh look they’re not switching to hit scan to deal with Pharah again, 5 years into the game.”


Greetings @Kitten, first from all I haven’t read whole your post is too much my mate,but most you talk about is team,so I can give u good advice so we can solved the problem,what about u invite 5 ppl in party and play as a group 6?U have full control of your team in that point ja?Most of my games I play solo/or with one friend,sometimes full party,I never had problem which u describe,I am playing game since 2016/2017 around . Best of all in the future.

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I don’t have 5 friends who play OW, and gauging teammates skill levels isn’t possible from the single match you see them.

It’s also a lot of effort on my part to organise all of that.

Organising 3 people for 3’s in WoW was bad enough.

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very good analysis. i agree


Since the game came out Pharah has been getting free wins from people who don’t switch to a hit scan

That’s because people can’t hit her, which has always been a problem. She’s a character with lower aim requirements than most DPS, who is simultaneously harder to hit than most DPS. They need to make her a little bigger, and change Mercy’s GA so that Pharmercy isn’t so broken.

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You get back everything you put into Overwatch overall.

Solo Q is a great mix. You just have to know how to play it


Are you the new forum worker?

Forgive me if you’re not. I just looked at your previous posts and noticed you didn’t really make a point here, similar to the old forum workers.

Is that a genuine question. Or just an attempt to complete discredit them because they have a slightly different view on things? Lol

It’s a genuine question. They was very vague in their response.

Vague, but a pretty accurate representation of OW ( and most games in fact)

Exactly, it’s just empty platitudes, when I’m making an actual detailed critique of 6 player soloQ.

That’s why I responded the way I did.

Pretty similar to saying it’s “too toxic” then.

What a player deems toxic is fairly subjective.

Is this aimed at something I said? Is this relevant to our conversation?

Yes. You said solo que was"too toxic". Which is incredibly vague.

I followed it up with an explanation, if you carried on reading:

"and I don’t think it really works. 6 random people every match, all of differing experiences and skill levels, no strat synergy, no comp synergy, and are expected to not get frustrated.

The strats, comps and playstyles in OW league are completely different to how the same players play on soloQ ladder, meaning even if you play correctly for soloQ, you’re still playing incorrectly over all, because soloQ as a format doesn’t allow you access to the strats and comps your team has the potential of."


I can go into more detail, but you’ll probably just look for a single word for an attempted gottcha moment.

OWL? Who said anything about that.

Just coordination. Most games that end in rolls are because one team did something silly.

Positioned badly
Failed to communicate something.
Failed to combined abilities.
Ineffective cool down usage.

You don’t need to be that good to punish those things.

I did. I started the initial post.

This is irrelevant or you’ve misunderstood the point I was making.

I agree pretty well with this as despite the fact i find tank extremely fun, the simple ‘get a six man team solution’ doesnt always work as ive had 6man squads and over time lost many of them due to them being randoms I’ve befriended from either different time zone areas or they just do other stuff when i wanna play ow anf then play ow when im not in the mood. Even in team chat its hard to gain control as most people who are on console like me use tv speakers and not headsets making it impossible to impart strats to my team

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the point is you are complaining a lot about a team game that you’re not really contributing to. After thousands of competitive matches soloQ I can confirm that you will get what you put into it. In other words, “You deserve every experience you get”.

I hope that clarifies things


^ this.

100% sums up every team game.