My pleading words for Blizzard regarding Smurfs

Hi I’m new to using the forums but I’m long time player of overwatch. I just want to get my words out into a medium where maybe just maybe someone from Blizz will see them. As of recently low competitive is full of Smurfs to the point where it’s really taking any enjoyment from the game in Comp. I really enjoy balanced games (even if it’s a win or a loss) but when there is a level 30ish character(s) on the enemy team who is clearly a smurf and taking advantage of their higher skill to just ruin a game. You see them throwing to ruin their rank, camping spawns, just flat out skilling lower players, or just being rude to casual players. It really ruins OW for me. Yes I’m not a great player but I still deserve to enjoy my game and with recent events in game I’ve just decided to not purchase OW2 unless something is done. I apologize for the long and probably pointless rant but I just needed to get my words out. Have a lovely day.


Blizzard doesn’t care if you like playing OW.

they care about money.

yea you seem to be right

You mean, like a business?

What a shocking idea.

Obviously a business is going to think of their bottom line first but so many other company’s handle business better but this is 2022 Blizz.

Of course, but their are billions of businesses, there is bound to be a better one.

All Blizz do is develop and IP, make a workable game, publish it, and find ways to monetise that IP.

Not sure how players behave, or players finding different ways to exploit things is really in their control. They can put all the systems in the world in place, people will find a way to do what people do.

Should they ban people smurfing. Yes.
Do they. Yes.
Is it some massive issues. No.

The game will eventually be F2P with battle passes and all sorts of fun monetised things. Just roll with it.

I can say I completely agree with you on the “Is it some massive issues. No.” and Do they (ban). Yes." but otherwise I believe it’s true. I’m hoping with what issues are being addressed in other games by Blizzard that they might just do something regarding this one issue. You can see from the forums (from the bit I’ve looked) that it IS at least an issue that quite a few people dislike. I think you are right about rolling with it (good Wrecking Ball pun) by just avoiding it until I hear either some positive info from the community or just going to do something else.

Yeah. It certainly is mentioned on the forums a fair bit.

But the forum isn’t the best barometer of what is actually a big issue do to the tiny tiny number of people that use this.

So are smurfs an issue. Yes, they are.

Should they come up with some system to get them banned? Probably not worth it.

If they are being banned for throwing games (deranking), or boosting accounts. Then you will almost entirely kill the small problem.

Keep pleading they dont care .i havent touched their game in a month now

Blizzard do not care.
They are one of the worst development companies for recognising their players opinion. Hence why they’re getting zero views in the OWL, and player counts have dropped year on year.

All they care about is money and being woke.

Top management in the company are Terrible.

Or do they recognise it, decide the players are clueless and move on?

Look up the definition of woke… we are all woke.

Your last point though, to some extent is correct. Certain members of the top level management shouldn’t be allowed near a company again.