Mystery Hero’s bugged?

Mystery hero’s is probably one of my favorite game modes but recently I’ve been encountering that it’s not so mystery.
There have been more than several times within the past week that when playing, I’ll die to an enemy player but respawn as the same hero.
For instance just yesterday I was got Roadhog, died, came back as Roadhog, died, got Roadhog again. The same match I got Mercy 2 times in a row.
Has anyone else been experiencing this?
There’s 32 hero’s so a 3.12 chance of getting a certain hero.


Yep, since the last update I had this multiple times.

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I just had that as well in multiple matches.

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You do realise what random means, right? You’re actually asking to make it less random right now.

Did you even read the post?

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Did you even read my comment?

Yes I did. You are talking about randomness, when the post is about a bug that makes it possible to respawn as the same hero after you die to an enemy, which wasn’t possible before the update.

It’s not about randomness, it’s about a bug in the hero pool.