Mystery Heroes hero limit

Can we get mystery to limit on how many certain hero can be on a team, some games are ridiculous with 4 ppl being mei or sombras or anything for that matter, there is 29 hero pool but can’t even get 12 different heros on the map most times always 2 or more of the same , i think 2 is stil ok but more than that just no fun


i agree with OP. stupid design. fix it

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The chance of getting 2 people with the same hero is 1 in 29² which is 1/841.
The chance of getting 3 people with the same hero is 1 in 29³ which is 1/24389.
The chance of getting 4 people with the same hero is 1 in 29^4 which is 1/707281.
The chance of getting 5 people with the same hero is 1 in 29^5 which is 1/20511149.
The chance of getting 6 people with the same hero is 1 in 29^6 which is 1/594823321.

So I’m doubtful that it happens a lot.

This is the only mode i play these days it happens alot more than what your numbers are showing im playing today and it happend in most games, ill from now start and try to track it for the rest of the night

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Well, no, it’s all just chance. Every time that someone dies your chance increases.

Think of it like people winning the lotto despite the chance being very slim.

That maths here is flawed.

You’re assuming that everyone only gets one hero. You forgot the number of times a game that probability is rolled. But hero’s like Sombra and Tracer stay alive a lot. And while you’re other team mates die, this greatly recuse the chance of getter the same hero’s as others.

Sure it’s rare, but it’s not totally wailed to have a team with 3 of the same hero.

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3 sombra’s are the worst i think you cabt see any till there two on you or 3 on you

there absolutely should be a limit. i don’t get why people are so hung up on the semantics of the word “mystery”. if there’s a limit placed so that you can’t have duplicates on your team, you STILL don’t know who you’re going to get, so it’s still a mystery. it would just be balancing the fight out so that one team doesn’t get a stupid advantage.

i vote for it being 2 tanks 2 dps 2 healers. your hero would still be random, so there would still be some unfair advantages, but they would be much more manageable.

What ia the point if the enemy teams get 3 orisa a bastion and a torb healer we couldn’t do anything we kill one orisa she res so no point

Add it already, at least add it as a custom mode for a week or something. I’m so sick of two bastion two mercy two ANYTHING…

random random is random…. that’s it charm… also with quickplay classic if it get to much at least there is always a decent option in arcade

Funny… the changed the probabilites (Blizzard destroyed their best game mode - and people don't even see it), so now it’s even more likely to get heroes double. And not even the ones that are easy to deal with.

Random is not “random” in this. 31 playable characters and in a game I constantly get the same few characters over and over. I want you to roll some dice with 31 sides and see how often the same number comes up.

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a weighted list randomized is still randomized withing the constrains its been given…

after all if you start out with 31 characters then only have 2 you can get then its still a coin flip which arguably is random…

i doubt you can end up with only 1 choice… to randomly pick from…

ït would be nice to know exactly how they wheight heros though… it must be some mechanic to balance the teams somewhat …

Personally i think they should favor what you suck the worse with to make it a practice mode…

Also that way its more fair because no one get to play what they are good at most of the time :stuck_out_tongue:

like putting the widow main on doomfist lol

they actually made a “balanced mystery heroes” template in the workshop that you can use. i wish they would put it in the arcade and see how it goes, ugh. they should also feature popular community made custom rooms like fortnite does with their creative mode!

I agree with the limit, last game we had 5 dvas and a moira :confused: