Need a coach to get out of Bronze

I’m <500 in all three roles and i lost all 25 Comp games i played today.
How can I get out of bronze?

Firstly, be sure if your mouse and keyboard are connected to computer :slight_smile:
Secondly, just play more comp and watch pro tips videos on YT.


I did this with some ease. Going from 495sr to 3200 in only a few seasons.

I stuck to (pre role que) only playing 1 tank (Rein), 1 support (moira) and one of 2 dps (sym or ashe).

Play the basics, stay grouped and go from there. Dont go on weird flanks and keep it as simple as possible.

In lower ranks doing this most fights you’ll be going 1 v 2 or 3 of your team and will win those duels everytime, slowly crushing your enemy (because in bronze everyone thinks you can solo carry, unless your cheating (hacks or smurf), you can’t).

So yeah. In short. Follow your main tank and attack who they attack. If you are the main tank, just play positive, dont stand about.

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I can help you sometime if you want, we can go over some gameplay of yours and try and help you out. Add me: TinyBlueGuy#2447


I went from 1700 to 2700 within one season. I agree with you but that is not what I keep getting.

When my players get grouped up, they get deleted by anything and anyone. You see their tanks killing our players, healers killing our players and my teammates cannot kill anyone.

They don’t know how to group up as they move, especially when timer says “99% : 80%” and opponent team have those 80% with captured point. For some reason, it’s cool to stop and wait a bit at spawn point and then move.

Also, I don’t get tanks that can attack. They are not attacking, they either protect and hope for miracle or they attack and then they don’t protect. They don’t have a sense to finish off someone or do some damage at all. Every target that I have to attack, I have to kill from full HP.

Not to mention that there is like Genji, he is on 2%, no one can finish him for 10 seconds, he casts ultimate and deletes my team.

I reached a point where even when I want to throw by picking some annoying hero, I still do something but not enough to win. I actually lost from peak 2746 rating down to 2250 now.

Remember, you cannot control what your team do.

If you can swap to someone to help them, maybe do it. But sometimes it’s best to just follow them, use the time as practice and move forward.

Always try to duo/trio with people you trust to play the way you expect too.

Dont get annoyed by defeats. See them as a learning exercise.

Sadly Blizzard allow you many people to cheat and manipulate the system, so climbing is a slow and arduous process. No matter how much you improve your game sense and mechanics.


1757 hours on comp so far.

the easiest way is to play Mei, freeze enemy and headshot them. make sure to focus tanks and make them hate their life and you should be good to go

i’m not waiting an hour in the damage role queue.
i have to play tank, sometimes support.

Use find teammates and your queue as dps will be quicker

nobody wants to queue with a <500 player.

Thanks for offering your experience to others TinyBlue! Really, thanks! This is the kind of thing we like to see. Heroes helping heroes. :revolving_hearts: Go Team!


His intention is good but what if his “help” is useless? What is that good for? It just waste of time. Thumbs up for being nice person I guess.

Hey OP! Did you ever get any help or have you picked up any new tips and tricks to help you?

Sending love from a fellow struggling bronze.

I got banned because smurfing is not gameplay sabotage but not playing against them is.

keep playing, you’ll improve and get out or bronze.

ahaha lost all comp games after placements on tanks. nobody on the teams i get placed with know how to play the game properly and i am the one trying to clear the objective. healers dont do their role most of the time and your left to defend yourself against a team that knows the game well. matchmaking is screwed and we have to face that. i came from ps4 and it is such a big difference as people on ps4 help eachother. unless you have 4 stack dont bother playing

do you really think i’d throw out good money to buy a new account?

what? why new account?

Thank you Rejuvithorn for spreading good vibes from blizzard side.
Hope your colleagues will follow your lead :slight_smile:

(have the feeling blizzard is mostly policing instead of engaging the community, feels good to see otherwise)