No beta access?

Even for the ones/1s/I’s that sign up or bought it for 34.99/Thirty &/and nine pence

Out rage today at/@ 8pm EU/European Time

Its a joke?!?!

No it isn’t. I got in.

Please stop with the /'s now. Thanks from everyone.

I got the same problem tho. He has a point. 2 1/2 hrs after the beta launched and I still can’t download it.

He does have a point. There are issues, or it could just be a slow roll out for Watchpoint pack purchasers. But he will just have people flagging him for spam.

People see the name, the writing style and they go all flag happy. If he stops that, his rants would be fine. But I have suspected for awhile they know that, but are just trolling as they never actually reply to anyone.