Noobs playing heroes they didint master

why play sombra and do random not helping the team. why play widow and do 0 damage and never hit with venom even,
even play junkrat and not mortar???. :disappointed: its a frag grande launcher. not a phara ground rocket launcher, this the reason why everyone is stuck in bronze.
feels like im the only one who knows how to play thes heroes and see
what everyone means by throw pick.
they should get banned at some point.

Only People really, really, really bad are stuck in bronze my friend ^^ and the bronzies Play Heroes they didnt master cuz they didnt master anyone thats why they are bronze : p


if you actually suggest to use venom as a nade, then you seem to not be too much of a mastering player yourself


I dont want to hate on you but when you think that you mastered your hero and you are in bronze then you are wrong. No doubt.


I dont want to tr*shtalk you but when you think that you mastered your hero and you are in bronze then you are wrong. No doubt.

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I dont want to trashtalk you but when you think that you mastered your hero and you are in bronze then you are wrong. No doubt.

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I dont want to trashtalk you but when you think that you mastered your hero and you are in bronze then you are wrong. No doubt.

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That post was so true, he posted it 3 times.


Obviously I was so wrong that not even my internet connection approved my post.

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You can’t ban someone for playing a hero they want to play in a video game.

If they play bad, just avoid and move on.

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No matter how many times you said it… you were right every time lol

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people who have mastered their heroes are high master and gm. not bronze. everyone belongs where they are. if you are bronze , accept it, stop blaming your teammates, get better, then youll get in silver. then gold. then plat. then diamond then masters and gm.

The worst thing are players instant picking new hereos they don´t know to play. Echo was instant able to play in comp, 99% of players in comp throwing the game due to Echo pick.