Overwatch 2 is F2P

I play Warzone quite often. There are cheaters (their anti-cheat works pretty well though). But they aren’t that frequent. Not seen one in months. Toxicity sure, that happens too, but it is so rare.

Apex, another F2P. Small number of cheaters, most players seem a delight. The odd shouty angry one, but nothing ridiculous.

I did read that. As I said, paying for comp is a stupid idea. The game is based around its competitive mode. That is the main attraction. Keeping it free and open to all is great. Gatekeeping is bad.

no, their mathematics are superior to everything. Its a delusion that Warzone is flood of cheaters and CSGO was at the same spot until they implemented prime purchase for comp. Valve is dumb, they should listen to this user who knows maths. lmao

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xD I stand corrected. My apologises!

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I know you probably didn’t do a lot of calculations in PE… But I will make the maths simple for you.

1 new cheater arrives (booooo). 5 new legit players arrive (yaaaay). (in fact it will probably be more like 1 and hundreds… but you get the picture).

You can do the rest of the maths from there. But the concept is based around diluting the population.

This mentality is literally the reason why Blizzard should follow Valve’s example and not let competitive get rot.
This user welcomes the new cheater and I wonder why I try to rationally speak with this user.

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Oh wow another troll comment because I’m a personal trainer, not a “P.E teacher.” I know you don’t know much since you sit on your computer chair trolling 24/7. But you’ve proven time and time again that you aren’t too bright on here, so I won’t pay much attention. :slight_smile:

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They are not. They are making it free and trying to get as many new players to come in as possible.

Just look at Apex.

Sorry. PE Teacher for adults.

Lol you love to make totally incorrect and baseless accusations about me.

No not really, they’re actually factual, anyone with a brain on these forums can see. Bless you though for trying.

“factual”. Based on what? You know literally nothing about me apart from what I’ve told you.

Not sure what part of having a job and having to train most days for football gives you any assumption I’m “sitting in my computer chair”.

Training for football on FIFA doesn’t count for actual training my man. Plenty of your lies have been exposed on here, but it’s ok. :slight_smile:

So what you’re saying is that every other f2p competitive game is unplayable because of smurfs and cheaters right?

Not played FIFA since FIFA 98. Pay to win games are a no no for me.

But nice try.

I know you like to fat shame people. As you’ve already tried. So maybe just leave it at you not having a clue who I am.

Never once fat shamed people . You just kinda remind me of the WoW player on South Park, judging by how much you post on these forums, trolling. ;D

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“never once”. Then proceeds to do it in the next sentence… lol.

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Onlooky! xD

(20 chars)

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“Doesn’t fat shame”

And he has the audacity to try claim anything about me.

In that one quote, I never said anything about you being fat, I implied you eat KFC and in a food coma not being able to move.

Not so bright there champ.

You saying there is something wrong if someone enjoys eating KFC? You shouldn’t shame people for what they eat and how they choose to live their lives.

I’ve not had it in months, can’t. My coach and trainers would kill me. But it is damn good!

He didn’t say you’re fat, he said you can’t move from your chair: maybe he was making fun of disabled people, who knows.

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Oh. Good point. What a terrible thing to do.

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