Overwatch isn’t new player friendly?

So a friend of mine finally bought overwatch which I was super excited about we went to QP after we’d played against bots and she played her little training part. Excited to play against real people only to get absolutely smashed in the 5 games we had played. I backed out of the group so she could play solo thinking my level is what was effecting the match making and first game she played against a lvl 10 account with the name “BouncyBear” ( I think that was one of the random generated names?) using a pixel bot and spamming profanities to the people in the game. She played a few more games with people way beyond a new players skill level and she stopped playing. So my question, is this all the game is anymore? Higher skilled players playing on ALT or new accounts? Because that’s all it seems from what we played last night. Is this entirely against new players at this point because it’s been out so long?

Sorry but a game this old is by default not new player friendly.


It makes you lose 30 games, after that you might win a game or two.

It’s not player friendly in any way.
New and or seasoned players.

Your team loses?
And they are throwing a tantrum? expect to be reported under false pretense resulting in a account suspension followed by game master acknowledging an unjustified suspension but unwilling to revert it.

You’ll pretty much end up being harassed by the community and the developer.


I kinda figured as much I just didn’t expect it to be that bad.

Don’t listen to these pessismists.

The first few games will be against random people of all skil level since you have never played before but once you play a few more games you’ll start to have your MMR and you’ll be matched with people of your rank.

That’s what I was hoping but I didn’t seem to get any better for her. In total she’s played maybe 9 games and it didn’t seem to improve matchmaking wise. Maybe we’ll just stick to AI lol

It takes a bit more than 9 games I’d say, by level 10-15 you should have more balanced games.

Overwatch and most blizzard games are not friendly because people choose to annoying each other or make players quit due to negative behavior.

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Negativity is in every multiplayer game thats not the point. Its about mostly smurfs being the “new” players so the few genuine new players get stomped mercilessly. Do note that medals give you exp, so if the smurf wants to push towards level 25 and competitive as quickly as possible they will play their best characters for medals.

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Smurfs are in every multiplayer game that’s not the point. It’s about negativity.

Its easier to deal with smurfs than with negativity.

You can’t go from bots to real people and expect to do good in your first few matches. I got my butt beaten when I started I wanted to just throw my pc out of the window. But then I realized you can’t expect matchmaking to improve only you can improve by playing the best you can.

Tell her to play Mystery Heroes. That game mode is more relaxed and not that toxic as QP. Also she should try more new player friendly characters like Brigitte, Mei, Junkrat.

Can we stop blaming the game? Ofc overwatch is new player friendly.

Ot’s the PLAYERS we need to be worried about, those are the real reason why others stop playing this game.

Sure the game can be broken at some parts but it’s still not the games fault.