Overwatch Wont Launch At All

Like should i just delete all files related to Razer?

Only after uninstalling the software RAzer and, of course, if the error has not disappeared

I did the steps mentioned by Raxr, but haven’t tried updating my drivers and it still hasn’t fixed. BUT, I’m not very sure that I know how to update the drivers

Just an FYI, I’m on windows 10 so apparently it automatically updates and everything

I’ve tried restarting the pc many times to no avail

Have you restarted your computer after deleting files?

Yes I have, and nothing really happened I’m having the same bug as usual

In this case, installthese graphics card drivers for Nvidia and these for Intel

Okay, I’m installing it right now, thank you! I will update later on

Update, nothing really happened ):

Not possible :frowning: . You can now perform the MSInfo test again?

Sure thing, shall i send you another one on OneDrive?

That’s the best way to do it


I figured, so here’s a link

Btw, I know it’s your job and everything but I can’t thank you enough for dealing with this, I haven’t really played the game for a loooong time and i wanna try it again

This is not my job :). MVP are not Blizzard employees. We devote our free time of our own free will to help others.

At the moment I see two problems. One is the previously mentioned RzChromaSDK64.dll_unloaded and the other is nvdlistx.dll_unloaded. The second one comes from the Nvidia graphics driver.

heck again if you will not find any files associated with Razer in the Windows\System32 directory.

In addition, press Windows+R and type %appdata% and hit Enter. Check if there are no directories related to Razer (Synampse, Chroma, etc.)
Do the same for %programdata%

That makes it even better =D, I’m pretty sure I deleted whatever I should delete, yet it’s still not working at all /:

Check this location: c:\program files (x86)\razer chroma sdk"

didnt find it, but i found a folder called “razer” and deleted it
should I just uninstall and reinstall?

Where did you find this folder? For the time being, do not install anything but restart your computer and check the operation of the game

Found it at c:\program files (x86)
So I reached the maximum replies XD anyways,
Alright so I found some razer files, deleted them and it FINALLY launched, thank you so much for all the help!

It’s good to hear it. Good luck in the game HF :slight_smile:

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I just updated my overwatch for the new 2019 summer games and even though it was working fine before the update, the game began closing out and not even launching so after searching forums for hours for a solution…i stumbled upon this thread, tried it and it finally worked.
Ao thank you!!!:call_me_hand:t3:

so the game has not launched properly for me in a half year now i have always done something to launch it everything from turning off razers program to turning off the nvidia overlay ingame but yesterday did nothing work i have tryed everything that you have listed i did all the advanced test for getting the game to start but nothing its sad cause i love the so much but its always a struggle to start it pls help me