P2W and Support role

BAttlepass and paywall
Just came back to OW2 after a well-deserved break after season 1. However, what I see is so utterly stupid I can’t really understand how it got implemented. Heroes are locked behind battle pass/store. Some might tell you that it’s fine or “other games have that as well”. However, other games does not function the same as overwatch.

Overwatch is made for switching heroes, it is made for counterpicking. Oh there’s a widow - pick shields, pick assasins, pick widow, pick pusher etc. Oh theres a genji, pick mei, symetra winston etc. BUT when someone pick a shield tank like reinheart or melody not everybody can pick RAMATTRA. A tank designated for punishing shields. So you put everybody at a disatvantage by putting it behind paywall. It’s so dumb. Sure I can play another hero, but its not optimal in some situations.

As a support main since overwatch 1 release I have to say, this is the worst I have ever felt playing support. I get to diamond in every rank within 1-2 hours of game-time, but I cant get past gold on support. Since i’m gold as support I can often get double the healing AND dmg as any other support. Last game I got the same healing and dmg as both of the enemy team’s supports had combined. I also got play of the game. STILL I lose. Itäs so dumb, its 2000 times harder to carry as support.

I logged widowmaker and won 5 games in a row because I got 1 pick per minute (trash) but it was enough… When I couldn’t hit shots I switched to torbjörn. I GOT 90% WIN RATE as TORB! I put down turret and went afk. I climbed to diamond in 8 games. But i can play 20 games as support and have negative winrate. It’s so dumb. Tanking is also so easy to carry, I had 60% winrate, with trash tanking knowledge, just press W and spam spells. So dumb.

My solution:

  1. Nerf tanks to the ground. Like utterly destroy them. Why should 1 player be as powerful as 4 other players.
  2. Add another tank-role - surprise pikachu face. Game is still balanced for double tank. Either that or make every tank tank. Can’t have some tanks running with 200hp and an umbrella while others have an ult that makes you unkillable and one-shots people.
  3. Fix the support queue
  4. Remove role queue or add an option where people can switch roles in the game. So when someone wants to switch to DPS/tank/support they can change with another player.
  5. Let everyone play every character. Or make every hero non counterable.

Since you won’t do anything about it (like always). I have opted for my own solution. I have started a support strike. Feel free to join me. What I do: play around, often just doing dmg. Spreading the message, in-game, of Blizzard being dumb.

All i have to say in this is that heroes are not locked behind a paywall. After the initial season when they’re released you can unlock them with a hero challenge (which means you just need to win a specific amount of matches).

It takes time, but counterpicking isn’t as important in qp as it is in comp.

I’m a support main and i actually enjoy ow2 more than i did ow1. The game is faster and challenges the players in different ways than the previous iteration did.
(I am only in high gold to be fair, so maybe the skill requirement jumps drastically between gold and diamond)