Suggestion to change "cancel" on Reaper's Wraith-form


I propose a change in Reaper’s Wraith-form, namely, which button should cancel the wraith-form!

As we are all aware of, cancelling Reaper’s wraith-form ability is at this point done by either clicking left mousebutton(shooting with guns), or, alternatively, by clicking L-shift a second time(button used to initiate wraith-form).

I find myself often in clutch-moment situations, where I just need to get into wraith-form as quickly as possible when its still on CD, leading me to spam L-shift so I can get into form in time to dodge that dva ult or sombra ult etc, but all too often, I cancel it immeadietly, leaving me vulnerable to enemy attacks when all I wanted to do was escape certain death. Likewise, I also find myself in situation where I am engaged in combat, and I just want to use wraith-form to disengage, but at the same time do as much damage as I can by shooting and clicking L-shift at most optimal time. I know I’m not the only one that does this, so I want to propose a suggestion!

Overwatch has incredible tuning capabilities for all heroes to customize their keybinds, mouse-sense, crosshairs etc etc and I would really like a choice to set how to cancel wraith-form by choice! it could be standard the way it is now, as to not mess up anyone’s playstyle, but give the choice to set the cancel on the right mouse-button instead for those who wishes it. After all, the right mouse-button is not used for anything else anyways, and it is often used to cancel other times aswell (like with Shadow step/teleport ability). If you agree with this, or have any feedback, please leave a comment below to make this more noticable, and hopefully Blizzard will see it. Thank you for reading!

TLDR; Let players choose keybind for cancelling Reaper’s Wraith-form, and please leave a comment or feedback to get this noticed if you agree. Thank you.


This happens to me a lot with reaper when I need to get out of a sticky situation and am spamming the wraith ability button.

Good idea, a different cancelling key would solve this.

I think it’s a good idea, giving him an opportunity as a free reload as well. I also thought about nerfing the DPS of his ult, and increasing his movement speed during it as well.

This has been a long time wish for me too and I don’t understand why they had to put it on left click. If you look at Mei for example, she has her cancel Ice Block on right click so why not Reaper’s cancel on right click too?