Pride event in middle east?

i really don’t like to introduce religious or countries topics in games. I also completely refuse to introduce topics that are not related to video games.
I’m a muslim player from the middle east where the pride event is totally not acceptable for us.
i think that overwatch 2 is gonna get suspended from my country by our authorities and to be honest i wish they would.
i really enjoy playing overwatch 2 but i wish that you focus on video games related topics rather than sexual topics.

I wish that you cancel the idea of the event and focus more on balancing the game heros to have a healthy playing environment without any propaganda.

Thank you and best wishes.


Says this, then proceeds to do just that.

Pride event isn’t political btw.

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Religion has no place in this game.


Pride exists because love is love and should be accepted.
This has nothing to do with religion since most religions have and still do condemn this love.

Lgbta+ is not a political issue either, it’s a humanitarian issue.

Everyone deserves the basic human rights to live and exist, this is what originally started the pride events.

Pride exists to rub it into peoples faces that LGBTA+ people exist. If you dislike pride, you should do some self searching and wonder why do you not accept that everyone deserves basic human rights.


Religion has a place in games, just like gender, sexual preferences and else does.



im going to be twice as gay just to cancel out you being straight


Pfff, get your intolerant butt out of here fam!

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Now that i can subscribe too!

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Your comments don’t align… You don’t like the intolerance, but you want them to be intolerant…

Seems your love is love hypothesis doesn’t apply to white,cisgender male.

Any reason for that?
You say its not political but a humanitarian issue…as far as i know white cis straight male are humans.

Where did i say that?

Okay what is this nonsense about moderator approved comments? Are Blizzard scared of criticism towards their dogma or something?

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“Pride exists to rub it into peoples faces” - You’re not wrong. But this. This is the exact reason people dislike it. People generally dislike having anything rubbed into their faces. We know they exist. Every media outlet, corporate ‘vision’, movie, game and TV show reminds us that they exist, normally at the expense of their core consumer group. All while hiding it all from countries which would have implications to sales if it were exposed to them. They care about these issues when it’s convenient for them and you better believe they’ll stop the SECOND it stops generating profit.

None of this affects me, I couldn’t care either way. It just surprises me that lgbt supporters buy into this garbage so fast, knowing that as soon it becomes less profitable, it will disappear as fast as it started.

Not to mention that all of this does nothing more than generate contempt, especially when they start getting children involved in Pride Activities.

You do know that pride existed before any corporate decided to use it?

And people need to keep seeing the lgbta+ people or they’ll get swept under the rug again.
Pride month is here to draw attention to queer issues. Like the fact that there are still death penalties on them in some countries, that forced sterilisations are still a thing, that conversion therapy exists - to name a few.

People can be happy that they’re acknowledged. Pride parades existed before people started making money out of them.

For most businesses it is just a way to make money, which is why i’m positively surprised that these cosmetics are free (for now)

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Oh shock horror that people being alive and allowed to be themselves is being celebrated.

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You are aware there exist some people who don’t deserve to “Be themselves”? The kind of people you don’t want children around? And are you aware who those people are?

Yeah, they identify with people like you.

This is a really dumb statement and you know it.

You have already made it clear that you don’t care about “Queer Issues”, you just want to antagonize people using sexuality.

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Define “using sexuality” because i’m not sure what you’re insinuating.
“Being themselves” and “doing something criminal” are two different matters.

Harming a minor is always a crime.
But in some places love between two consenting adults is also a crime.
Which one of these is an issue that needs fixing? I hope you know and don’t claim that i don’t.

If a person will get harmed for using the right bathroom, it’s an issue that needs fixing as well.

If a person is so intolerant of others that they don’t want them to be even fleetingly happy, something has failed them. Be it culture or nurture is anyone’s guess.

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I’d answer that question but my comment keeps getting flagged for approval.

So if you ever wonder why people call the Alphabet Ideology a cult, it’s because of the fact you can’t be remotely critical.