Provide a REDUCED penalty for losing a game because of a teammate who has left

Hi Blizzard

Can you PLEASE provide a REDUCED penalty for losing a game, because of a teammate who has left?! I have just lost 3 competitive games in a row, all because of teammates who quit the match right after it has started. A match will only get cancelled if a player leaves within the first like 10-15 seconds, but after that, there’s nothing to do about it. A few days ago I was Diamond 4, now I’m back in Platinum, and mainly because of quitters.

You haaaaave to do something about this, it KILLS the motivation to grind competitive, which me and my friends love. This happens way too much, and I get you can’t do anything about a player leaving, but a LEAST provide a fair penalty for the remaining FOUR players that haven’t done anything wrong, and is trying to have a good time/grind the ranks.

I beg you…

Just leave when the time in the red box ends. Then it’s only -25sr

If you stick around you risk that being more because of performance.

I’ve called this out countless times. One day, hopefully they’ll review/do something about it.

I think the leaver take the full penalty for the Team and the match abandoned/null result. Ideally the first instance, the match should be paused for two minutes to wait for the person to rejoin which would be similiar action to CS:GO/Dota.

That would be abused by derankers and is totally unfair on an accidental DC or a powercut.

The way it is now isn’t perfect, but it’s not bad. You can still win the game.

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Works fine in other games.

It gives accidental leavers the chance to rejoin the game either by the original connection, or tethering for instance, without affecting the match end result.

Fine, at least no one else ranks/match results will be affected.
Game will be nullified, the leaver would have a big leaver penalty against their account.

It exists in other games. It’s exploited a lot.

15 minutes and a big drop in SR, a drop they wanted. Stack and rotate the leaving. You can derank as a group easy.

Just leave it as it ease, and crack on if there is a leaver. If it’s on your team and you are getting stomped, when the counter runs down leave and requeue

It’s not going to impact your season as the subsequent boosts from you at being put of line will have you back in a couple of games.

Better to do that then wasting your time and energy crying about it.

Remember, if there truly was a better way to do it, they’d be doing it. This system has barely changed in 7 years for a reason. It works.

I haven’t seen it exploited in my other games. I’ve seen it utilised moreso for people who may have a graphics issue so they need to d/c to fix it, as an example.

It takes no real energy to type about it for the community/devs to see.
I’m not crying, it is not normal to be so emotional… this is not normal human behaviour.

Sounds fine to me, at least it doesn’t affect the match result.

Were are all blind to things we aren’t looking for.

No game has a perfect solution, they are too easy to exploit.

What OW does isn’t perfect. But it’s fair enough to all parties. You get leniency if it’s a one off, you get kicked in the nuts harder if it’s a repeat thing.

One match doesn’t make a season. Don’t put too much weight on it

What if they gave us competitive points too if some one leave as compensation or some of there sr for them leave the game

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That would imply you’re only after cosmetics and not good games though… At that point do leavers even matter.