Question about Placement matches

Ok so i have had this the previous season as well were i would get several wins (always more than loses) and i would gain like only 60 sr were the season before the previous one i got the same wins and close to 200 sr.

Season 15 i got 6 wins and 200 sr with the season high of close to 2237
Season 16 i got 7 wins and 60 sr with the placement of 2297 and the high of 2347
And season 17 i got 1 draw, 6 wins and 3 loses and aparently fell down from 2347 to 2314

These 3 seasons i did the 1tricking thing with lucio and got prety decent at playing him and learn a lot of combos for bursting down squishes. A lot of reddit lucio plays, hours upon hours of contesting and more. However, in season 16 and 17, I did the placements with a fried who is ranked bronze fondling around 1400

And i am thinking if this is the reason i get so little sr.

Now i am thinking about doing the placements on my ult without him and see what happens. If there is anybody who knows more about how the ranking system works pls i beg you let me know!

Thank you for your time!

Personal stats are taken well into consideration in placement matches. Wins and losses determine the ultimate result whether you win or lose SR - and I am pretty sure, not 100%, that it is mostly based on your final result in the previous season, rather than your season high. But the amount of SR you lose or gain is mostly based on your personal stats compared to the same heroes in your ranking.

This works just the same in the regular season matches. If you have a fast match where you steamroll the enemy, you tend to get less SR for it, certainly as a healer where you didn’t make too much impact on the win. When you play with a high-ranked smurf in the team who just obliterates the enemy on his own, then that has a negative effect on the amount of SR you gain. Or when you die a lot, your stats tend to be worse and it’s possible you can see that reflected in the amount of SR you gain (or lose, when losing).


The placement matches are just a hoax. They don’t recalibrate anything at all. People who got into plat in season 3 and haven’t played a single day since still end up there for some reason even though they now have the skillset of a bronze player.


It’s impossible to calibrate a player’s skill rating from just ten matches. People put way too much weight on these. Even your first ever SR is mostly based on your QP matches to get to level 25. Placement matches don’t make a lot of difference, but they are there to set the line, to mark the start of a new season, to create a feeling of starting somewhat fresh. If there were no placement matches at all, and you would just continue from the rating you ended at, there would hardly be any point to seasons at all.

If long-time returning plat players have the skillset of a bronze player, as you say, they will drop to that rating pretty quickly if they continue to play after their placements and don’t get better fast.

In placements you can move somewhere around 200 sr. They try to force you to where you should be according to the system. The system takes into account quickplay and other modes not just compaetitive. Looking at your profile I’d guess you only do placements and not regularly play comp. Therefore you have likely been underpreforing recently in qp and during you placements so was awarded less sr for winning.

For context you say you gained 200sr for winning 6 placements.
I have also gained 200sr from placements however in those placements I won 9 and drew 1. The wins and losses do not qualify how much you will gain or lose once placed. This is frustrating as you can perform extremely well in placements but then gain little sr

Exactly this. Wins and losses only play a big role in determining whether you lose SR, or gain SR. The amount you gain or lose is then based on your performance stats. Just as in normal matches, really.

Gaining 200 SR by winning 6 placements means you played well. That’s quite a lot to gain - the 60 SR is far more the norm.

EDIT: I really doubt QP and Arcade are taken that much into account after your first ever placement matches. If you have a determined SR already, ten matches should be enough to decide where you start. If other modes would have a big effect on your placements for competitive, that would be pretty unfair, since my playing style is vastly different in those modes.


Even if i don’t really think the system takes stats from qp if it does it’s just stupid cuz in qp you don’t play like comp, in my case i play chill and not that tryharding like in comp.

If it was to take into consideration how much i play comp, all 3 seasons i played basically the placements. I haven’t been playing regularly comp in a very long while. So it doesn’t make sense that the first season to give me 200 sr, the second 60 and the third to lose sr.

Concerning match play, i did pretty good. Not like i carried or something but i wasn’t garbage you know. Most of the matches i had gold healing, every match i had gold obj time, 1 or 2 gold elims and damage and in general pretty good for a gold lucio main.

So it might have been that i am queuing with my bronze friend.

First of all, thank you for your constructive criticism and the thought you put on my post.

What i’m trying to say is that since the seasons’ 16,17 placements were with that friend and roughly the same stats and the only different was season 15 were i did them myself, that guy must have had an impact.

Not necessary. If they continue to playing tanks and support they will most likely be able to maintain their rank just by existing. Since the other team most likely will also have bad tanks and supports it’s pretty much status quo.

Well, allow me to disagree. You are not giving the healer/tank role much credit here - it’s not just “merely existing”. If they can remain in plat, then they belong there, no matter what role they play.

Meh, tank and support players generally have pretty low knowledge of the game. They use their skills and ultimates at bad times and overall play extremely sloppy.

Wh… how… I don’t think I even want to dignify that with an answer. But where does this notion come from? Tanks are the ones who should initiate the attack, they need knowledge of the game, they need to track ults more than anyone else to know when they can start to push.

Sure, you have some bad tanks and healers out there with the gamesense of a toaster, but that goes for all roles. Enough Genji’s out there who don’t know when not to dive in, enough Widows out there who don’t know how to flank shields, enough Reapers out there who think they can ult an entire team on their own when there is a Reinhardt and a D.Va in there still alive to block him off. Enough Junkrats out there who throw a wheel in there just to finish off that one half-health Rein that survived the two other ults thrown in their face.

Now you really convinced me that you make no sense whatsoever. Players have gamesense or no gamesense, it has nothing to do with the role they play.

I might be a bit biased since I’ve played this game well over a thousand hours by this point but I still have supports in my game, for example Lucio and Zenyatta, that uses their ults in a totally random situation instead of a crucial one like a Genji or Reaper ult. I Still have Reinhardts that randomly charges to their deaths on defence when there was no need to. I still have Anas sleep darting the target that eveyone was already attacking and then whining about how we attacked him. I still have Mercys trying to ress a totally out of position hero and just dying by trying. I still have Winston players diving into people only to die. I probably have more examples as well. But this is at platinum level. And you might say that platinum is still for noobs, but yeah, this has been a constant since bronze. When are tanks and supports gonna learn when to switch and time their skills? At least people call dps players out on their ******** so that they might improve, but we have so many tanks and supports thinking they’re the top of the world.

I lost all 10 placement matches and placed higher than my previous season finish.

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But that was what I was trying to say. You mention examples of tanks and healers who make misplays, I mention DPS that does that. As I’ve said, you have players with and without gamesense, that has nothing to do with the role they play.

I just wanted to point out earlier that somehow you think tanks and healers can maintain their rank “just by existing”, and man, that’s grossly underrating the job they are doing. I also want to take the moment to apologize for the tone in my previous post. I was really taken aback with what you said, probably should have taken a deep long breath before posting. Oh, and no one said plat players are “noobs”, they are actually above average.

I do think underrating tanks and healers is pretty common. Who gets play of the game, the Rein shattering 5 people or the Reaper jumping between them and pressing Q? And before you start, no, I am not underrating the role of good DPS either. They’re most likely the first to get the blame - even if tanks don’t make space for them and if healers don’t heal them, the first comment you generally hear in a bad match is “where is our fricking dps?”

Also proof, by the way, that some people - mostly dps players, but also tanks and healers who don’t see their own flaws - have no idea how important the job of tanks and healers are in a match. And that’s not just by existing.

You’re not gonna convince me. I’ve played tank and support enough to know that it’s a cakewalk in comparision to the dps role since there is no real competition. But I agree that it is because they never really get any credit for their job. They have no real incitament to improve, and it is pretty hard to even know what to improve, when playing tank or support, at least when you’ve never really been in the role of a dps to understand what you need to do to give them the space to do their job. That’s why they always whine on the dps players since they at least can put that role into some form of context. Either things die or they don’t. Must always be the dps that is messing up.

I’m not even trying to convince you, I just read something I blatantly disagree with - that tanks and healers have no gamesense per definition and therefore can maintain their rank just by existing - and gave my opinion on the matter. And then I’m not even going into the whole debate of what is easier to play, dps or tank/healer.

My original statement, before we got off track, is that players who reach platinum because of their original SR, but now have a bronze skillset due to a long break, will rapidly decline in rank. If they maintain their rank, it’s because they learn the habits and skills of the game fast enough to not derank and then there is no problem - because their bronze skillset is vanished. If you keep a bronze skillset, you derank. No matter what role you play.

And please don’t generalize, I even gave examples of why I think it’s wrong to always blame dps when things go bad. Not all tanks/healers think like that.

Like I said in my frist post: Since both teams will have bad tanks and supports they will be able to keep their rank by just picking those roles. If one team has a single decent tank or support their chances are slightly higher but in the end it’s up to the dps to land their shots to win the game.

Healers and tanks are bad by default, and just merely exist, and the game is won or lost by the dps alone. Right. Okay. Fine. I’m done with this pointless discussion now, let’s leave the thread to die unless it moves back on track. But I think OP got his answer, so let’s just let it die anyway.