Random disconnect?

I was playing a competitive overwatch game and was randomly disconnected right before my team and I won. My internet was not at fault and as a result of this I lost 50 points, (75 if you include the win), a cooldown and no xp for winning. Is there any way I can be compensated for this error as those points I lost I worked hard for?

I’m afraid this is not possible, Coombsey. Leaving a game in competitive mode will always cause a penalty; points lost this way cannot be restored nor the penalty itself removed.

Your internet is not necessarily at fault, keep in mind that a disconnection can have several possible causes that not necessarily affect other applications or - as I mentioned - your internet connection itself. You can find more information on this here.
This said though, it’s impossible to say what might have caused a disconnect without running some tests first, but before that, I recommend you follow troubleshooting steps here (basic and advanced) - they might help you to rule out the issue.

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