Ranking, just dreams of a better future

Ok yeah I know there’s a lot of people with ranking issues. No idea where to put this as there’s no response from anyone in blizzard at all for anyone but yeah. After the changes, I made it to plat same day. Felt fantastic and every game was full of other plats and were all close and fun, component for the most part. I wasn’t always best support stat wise but never the worst so felt I could grow more and have fun. I was doing pretty good there ngl but game decided different and dropped me back to gold 1 now it’s just instant hell with consistent Unranked and silvers who have no idea again. Long story short just wish there was some sort of statistic to tell us why or how we can improve to reach higher and where we’re going wrong. That’s all

Blizzard is trying to reduce toxicity. Showing this kind of information would be used to “attack people” saying they are below the statts. It would also result in complaints about the rank system not working whenever someone has a bad game where they would be below average.

They also made this change where you would get a rank update after 7 wins. This all is to improve the feeling that the players experience while playing overwatch. As in, don’t worry, you won’t even lose ranking if you lose this game, you still have 5 more games to play. Basically to reduce the pressure one would feel…

If they would provide such information, a lot of players will be confronted with the reality that their performance is rubbish. It would demotivate people and could be a risk to losing part of the playerbase. = less money to be made.

I would also rather have this information however I also understands why a company wouldn’t do that since it will be bad for bussiness.

I once found an external website though where you could view overwatch stattistics. I quickly googled and got to “overbuff”. Maybe there you can find some referential stattistics. Perhaps there is a better website out there…

Edit: nvm, just saw overbuff doesn’t update anymore with OW2

This very subject has been discussed here also:

Agreed though, competitive is broken. The fact it groups you with new players barely able to scrape 1.5k damage says alot about Blizzards ability to make a proper matchmaker.

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