Remove comp or ban smurfs and trolls

i have had enough of trolls and smurf ruining comp, if they dont get banned then BLIZZARD , you should delete comp because it is terrible.


I hate them as well, and the sad part is that smurfing isn’t even a reportable option. Since you can buy many accounts.

Trolls on the otherhand is reportable so that issomething we players can change if we continue to report them.

Smurfing isn’t illegal nor should it banned, just get better or avoid comp.

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Smurfs are paid customers, if course we cant ban them. Money talks.

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I report smurfs under gameplay sabotage because not only do they throw games to maintain low rank

When they go GM tryhard mode they’re ruining the game for everyone else because they far outskill everyone

In my opinion thats about as much of a gameplay sabotage as you can get

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Smurfs are actually reportable, but having an alt account, where you play as well is not.

See the difference is, that smurfing means, that the person is intetionally trying to underperform to dumbster low ranked players. This means they litterally have to throw games on purpose to get there, which is a reportable offense. It is also, why so many of the “Smurfs ruin my games”, are completely untrue and refuted by blizzards own stats.

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No they don’t. All they have to do is play badly in their placements, get put in low gold then cruise through the ranks with stats like 18 wins for every 1 loss. Then it gets even worse in diamond where stats don’t matter and they’ll always get the same SR for win as everyone else.

And what stats btw? Last time I played there was a smurf in almost every game, Blizzard cant and wont do anything to change that because at least they give them money. Smurf defenders are even worse unless they have smurfs themselves, then its understandable.

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Its kinda hard to kill a GM genji that shreds your entire team,while your team played nothing but in bronze their entire time

But if i see a smurf on my or the enemy team, what do i even report them for? Like what option do i click on?

But they do ruin games for others so i don’t understand why blizzard would think that.

That is the whole thing, you cannot report anyone for being, what you guys mistakenly call a “smurf”. There is no legitimate reason, that is fair for reporting them, cause all you do is assume and speculate, if a person is on a seperate account, yet you do not know.

A smurf is a guy, who throws to stay low rank, so you litterally have to find a person intentionally admitting to staying lower rank to “smurf” on people, or actively find them throwing games. Otherwise it is totally fair game.

Easy, gameplay sabotage, that’s a legitimate reason because not only have they sabotaged games to be at a low rank, they are also actively sabotaging your game for being too high of a skill to fairly be in your game

so that’s what I report them for, and as the system is automated, I give less than a F**k what happens to them because they deserve it all for doing what they’re doing

and yes I know “how can you tell its a smurf”… well that’s easy, anyone with a low level, who plays genji, tracer, hanzo or widow and wrecks your entire team effortlessly is 99% of the time, a smurf

anyone else is unfortunately collateral damage, which I can live with, after all, its not my fault blizzard decides to 1, ignore the problem in the first place, and 2, cheaps out on an automated report system instead of managing it properly.

If someone is level 30 with 17 wins and 2 losses there is a good enough chance that they are a smurf therefore they deserve a report. It doesn’t matter which side they are on.

I cant deal with this trash game any more due to smurfs and trolls, they are abusing the report system as it is and have proberly and most likely been reponsible for people get suspensions and bans.

You are so stupid, that you do not even understand, that your own sentence is logically flawed. If they keep sabotaging games by being too good, they would not be in your rank, aka they are an alternate account not a smurf.

False reporting, just gonna mind you that this is self incrimination and you can be punished by Blizzard themselves for false reporting.

So the hundred thousand players coming from other games shredding, cause they have proper fps experiences are smurfs ? Good argument. I was placed higher than 99% of the OW population in season 1, does that make me a smurf ? or was i just very good at FPS games, which carries over to OW.

  1. They addressed the problem, they have the evidence, you are all just ignorant people wanting to think anyone, who is low rank and good at the game is a smurf. That 99% of games is filled with smurfs and 100% smurfs are top 500.
    As they said themselves, people are unaware of the fact, that the smurfing in Overwatch is far less prevalent that you want to think it is, with good reasons as to why, since the game is not free and actually had a rather steep price for most its life.

  2. Automated report systems are there for a reason, to actually handle cheaters and severely problematic players instantly. Because people abuse it on, already extremely selfish and uncooperative players (One tricks, off-meta heroes, VC leavers etc) doesn´t make either case more right.

I mean at this point you showcase exactly, what kind of intellectual debate there is to be had with a “Smurfs needs to be banned” guy.

Except the enormous likelihood, that it could be a skilled FPS player, that came from another game. Nevermind that, you own argument proves it as a completely irelevant issue. You are not a smurf if you go 17/2 at level 30. You are on an alt account actively trying your hardest to rank up, even after that winstreak you have more than likely already jumped 1-2 ranks.


yep they throw loads of matches to keep low rank, then stomp a few, when they gain too much SR they throw again, nothing is flawed here

doesn’t happen, ever, i’ve been false reported hundreds of times those who did it haven’t received any penalty at all and besides, its not a false report, I suspect them of gameplay sabotage because that’s what they’re doing, its up to blizzard to decide if my report is valid and because its fully automated and goes on number of reports without any human intervention im safe and sound whilst those I report get banned… eventually

those players aren’t at my rank because they get placed higher from the get go, and maintain their rank because of their skill, only smurfs are low level and shred at my rank and the perhaps 1% that are not are acceptable losses

they spin you a yarn that they have “looked into it and found it to not be a problem” and you eat up all that bovine excrement like a good little brainwashed blizzard suck boy… no… smurfing is a problem that blizzard doesn’t want to admit because they would have to spend money to rectify that problem, or loose players

if a system is there and its possible to abuse it, it will be abused, that’s the reason smurfs are a problem in the first place because the SR system is abusable… its not the community’s fault for using the tools given to them to their benefit, that’s just human nature, its blizzards fault for enabling those tools to be so cheap and shoddy that they can be abused so easily.

their is no debate to be had,

the simple point is smurfs exist whether you perceive them to be a problem or not is on you, but they are a problem enough said

gg ez try again please

Are you serious? If you are trying your hardest to rank up why would the system put you so low? It also means that if you are not trying super hard and throw a bunch instead you’ll spend dozens of games winning easily against opponents out of your league. This is such an insane logic. Funny thing is other smurf defenders tell me how easy it is for the system to recognize you are smurfing and put you appropriately. Which one is it?

Even worse, skilled FPS player? At this point of the game’s lifespan? While playing genji or doomfist, heroes who clearly have no alternatives in other FPS? Be honest with yourself, are you truly believing this is in all likelyhood a new player and not a smurf? If you do there is nothing further to discuss, you are beyond help.

So much this. I get called out as a smurf a lot of times while playing on my other accounts, and many think it’s apalling to have multiple accounts thus I get a lot of craptalk coming my way even if I’m playing on the same elo as I do on my main account. I’m simply trying to focus on certain heroes on my different accounts, and if I’m a silver Hanzo then I’m a silver Hanzo and that’s the end of the story.

Trolls on the other hand pose a serious problem, but thing is that there is not much Blizzard can do with them, because noone can know when someone snaps and ruins a game or two. Genuine trolls however are usually have been banned for good, and it’s only a matter of time until Blizzard bans their new accounts.

They should do something about all the drops. I got dropped 4 games in a row a week ago and my teams lost people the last two I played.

Because one, you won´t be put high sr nearly no matter what unless you are actually fcking gm/top 500. I should know i have done this a couple of times. Other than that, people have to familiarize themselves with the game, they might fck around before they go into comp, normal things for a new player… And play genji and such heroes that are clearly not fps related. They are still guaranteed to be better at almost everything they do as long as they have superior gaming experience.

good thing that you can understand, what fps games is and the fact, that the heroes you just mention have 0 to do with fps. Besides that, you can learn a lot about positioning and game logic through other similiarities in games.