Remove comp or ban smurfs and trolls

No you do assume, suspecting is not throwing active reports at people. That is assuming, and you have to account for it.

“I DoNt HaVE tO PrEvidE the EVidEncE thAt I WAs RaPED, THey HaVe To PrOve I waSn´T”

Yeah buddy completely wrong, stop arguing, what you are doing is in anyway correct. We have a legal system for a reason.

Laughing so much you cry at every forum post about Smurfs, Onetricks and many more. Oh yeah boi, those salty tears.

Yet all you do is make it as if your feelings matter more than the factual evidence. Ohh the irony.

I’m not the one in need a safe space, you are boy, where nobody can force you to face real life and not let you ignore the contradictions of your posts, or your refusal to provide evidence

yawn circular argument is circular bored now so imma go report some more smurfs for gameplay sabotage

Enjoy :blush:

Aka you’re finally doing as you’re told and shutting up.

good boy.

you’ve had no reasoning for your arguments other than false report people for being better than me

enjoy the bans kid

Good thing we have your battletag right here, so we can report you and get you punished for the crime you acknowlegde doing.

Holy bonkers, you are smart one.

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Ohh… i havent laughed that much sonce i was a little girl thank you :kissing_closed_eyes::blush:

Oh so you admit to smurfing too? Great, blizzard can track your accounts and ban all of them

No i dont smurf all my accounts are at the same rank so im where i belong

Smurfs and alts are two different things

Not according to you and other morons in this thread.

congrats, you’re a hypocrite

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I never said i report people for alt accounts… only smurfs :slight_smile: no ancient greek doctors here

To you and other morons, same thing apparently.

Read above 10 chars.

Or you learn to read and accept you’re a hypocrite

Read above 10 chars. Ps this is not spam spam is a canned meat product

See my previous post

I would rather not but good for you :blush:

Sjw trolls always do run from being called out and having to face their hypocrisy.

but hey, weren’t you meant to be running away already, or are you just desperately trying to save face now?

people stop calling everyone a moron becasue you are also impling your self as one.

exactly this.
Instead of counterpicking, people rather run to forums and cry us a river about some suspected GM genji smurfs ripping them apart - thats less effort than learning new heros, you know.

Holy crap what happened here? Anyway I don’t feel like responding, there are more productive things to do. Still, here is a quote from the man himself. 15 games is all it takes for the system to find your true MMR. If the smurf who is master/GM ends his placement matches as a low platinum or even gold that 100% means they are not playing at their skill level and are trying to artificially land lower.

The Quote

Smurfing – and I know this isn’t what you want to hear – isn’t really that big of an issue. For example, a few weeks ago one of the Pro Overwatch players created a smurf account and was streaming from it. We were able to watch his MMR internally and compare it against his “main” account. Within 15 games, the MMR’s were equal. I know there is a very bad perception of Smurfing. But the reality is, skilled players are moved rapidly out of lower skill situations.

He is by the way talking about smurfs playing normally, not the ones trying to game the system and place lower. So yes, the ones who do that are guilty and should be reported. Thats all there is to it.