Reporting all smurfs as gameplay sabotage

Only pros placed 75+, it was quite explicitly shown, that people placed accordingly to how good they were, this still proves i got GM, without really touching this game. So could others be the same case today. No one achieved 75+ in their placements, who weren´t at the level of 75 already (Basically only pros, hardcore beta players and former TF2 pros). So you really have no argument, when you say people achieving 75+ rarely, as in less than 0.001%. My case is proof of there being skills that completely transfers over to the Overwatch, from other games, this allows for people to be way better than experienced players, solely from the fact, that they learned a lot in another game.

Am I a smurf to you guys?

I created an alt account to see If I’m truly just gold… Got gold. But then i climbed to 2.99k on my main account… Took 3 seasons
Is my alt account now a smurf?

We even said, lets throw us with these accounts to bronze… But I can’t throw willingly. It’s against my interests. If I throw unintentionally, like trying to kill mercy and die, it’s a different story.

So I got gold (where my main had to climb from silver to gold each season)

But this is still season 1. It means nothing. The game was not even taken seriously because QP was the only playable mode. You cant compare high season 1 placing to current season placing as level 30.

You just claim wrong without actually offering proof. You’re also making assumptions, huge assumptions about “can’t be this good out of nowhere”.

They’ll get to where they should be quickly enough - how does Blizzard know this? They have the goddamn data to prove it. What do you have? Tears.

Lastly, I DO play competitive so well done for being a complete dumbass. Have I played in Competitive lately? Yes but never bothered to finish placements. Try learning to read, child.

What data, mate? What data?

You don’t play competitive, I checked your profile. Maybe some different season, a$$wipe.

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Whatever, I know many people who report every person at their match to bring more attention at how broken the reporting system is, hoping that it will eventually be fixed.

Complainig about it is easy, but what can be done about it?

How do you identify a legit smurf and differentiate them from just a naturally good player? In other words, how do you prove it in order to hand out punishments.

You know you can be banned for false reports? Especially when you claim you’re doing it on the forums.


Reporting smurfs is not false reporting, they use those fake accounts to insult freely and sabotage games. Blizz is not taking action against them because money is more important to them than fixing problems.

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No, it’s your take on the situation but the reality is that they bought their account and unless they obviously throw games by feeding, you have no ground to report them just for playing on a secondary account.

The lvl 75 genji the OP is talking about could be lvl 1500 and it would be the same exact same thing.

We can thank every smurf for contributing to Activision’s journey to create more mobile games.

It’s people like you that get innocent people banned from games. You don’t know if they’re smurfing, just because they’re better than you doesn’t mean they’re doing so.

Salty smurfs didn’t like this topic :joy:

I sense some confusion regarding smurfs. Each time when a smurf discussion starts, people don’t quite understand which smurfs are meant. Badafarusima did mention that they were specifically speaking about downrankers. However, other players though they were talking about smurfs in general, both downrankers and alt-accounts.

The biggest challenge is: How do you identify a downranker efficiently? Maybe there is a pattern in their statistic history that only downrankers have. Yet given the fact that there hasn’t been a system to deal with downrankers, Blizzard’s data analytics either haven’t found a pattern or the actual number of downrankers is so slim that it isn’t considered a threat to the playerbase. Though that would contradict the complaints by many players.

As a side note, it’s a tendency of them to post without quoting or replying to someone. Don’t see it as something personal.

Speaking of personal :

Please refrain from insulting other people. Attack the argument, not the person.

What argument? He made a claim without any evidence to back it up, then refuses to post any data or anything that can actually substantiate his claims in any way, shape or form.

I’ve pointed out Blizzard has ALL the data, he has nothing, therefore his argument is nothing.

He claims I’ve never done competitive, yet is utterly incapable of reading.

Calling somebody what they are, is not an insult

Definition of moron

1 : a very stupid personThey were acting like a bunch of morons.

2 dated, now offensive : a person affected with mild mental r3tardation

Moron is an offensive word, used as an insult. Stop looking for poor excuses for your poor behavior and refrain yourself from insulting others, period.

How about you just get over yourself? Calling somebody what they are is not an insult.

Stop looking for excuses to appear like you’re on a high pedestal.

Can you prove that bustar has a mild mental r3tardation? No, because that would require medical documents of them and you don’t have it.

Thus you can’t prove that he is a “moron” and thus you still insulted them.

Whats a fake account?
Have yet to see a rule that limits accounts.