Role queue makes it more boring :(

Also sometimes i am just playing Tanks like Roadhog, or Zarya, and its not going to well. Our team needs more heals or a little more damage, and you want to switch to say, a Soldier. Well, to bad! Go F* a duck cuz you cant switch! Play Rein you b*.

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You have seen tbe reasons many times in many threads. Feel free to actually see for yourself (you have even replued to many of tbem with the exact same lame argument all ppl who hate role queue have said)

is this trolling ???

It’s not rocket science. Bad games today still consist of 2 tanks, 2 healers, etc.

Bad games before could be 5 dps, GOATs, or whatever other mishmash teams could come up with.

So yes, bad games today feel better than bad games before because of more stable team compositions. If you think that’s trolling then you don’t understand the basics of this game.