Season 13 Midseason Update: Classic Fun, Competitive Drives, and Mythic Deliverance

Season 13 Midseason Update: Classic Fun, Competitive Drives, and Mythic Deliverance

Play Overwatch: Classic, dominate in Competitive Drives, and wield Soldier: 76's Mythic Weapon in the Season 13 midseason update.

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This should be pretty fun as someone who never played launch Overwatch I think I’m going to enjoy playing Reinhardt in his original form…


If it playes like pre release OW… You’re probably not going to enjoy Rein much.

Unnecessary Doom buffs!

Unnecessary Kiri buffs.

Guess if everyones playing classic, no one will notice how terrible those choices are for a few weeks.

Just played my first match had a blast on Reinhardt he takes a lot more caution when using charge since you can’t cancel it and it’s not a get out of jail card so in a way this version of Reinhardt takes way more skill…

Already enjoying this mode a lot…


Just been watching flats and emongg play. They seem to be mocking it most of the time.

Game looks like it’s a lot slower too.

Definitely feels like a “you really want this?” Mode.

gladly it is just an event. tried 1 game. trash. No more.

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Yeah OW required a lot more skill. Unfortunately they made OW2 a lot easier to play/less punishing for mistakes. The mode is quite fun I agree. Be good if they brought back 2v2v2 with the old rank system.

It’s a fun mode tbh.


I think I already had enough of this event. It’s cool being able to play again 6vs6 and some old kits, but open queue is not for me. I hope one day they bring OW1 +/- the same state it was when Role Queue was released.

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Also HP regen passive was surely one of best things they did in OW2, i’m not used to play without it anymore xd

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I’ve seen quite a few people make similar comments. No matter what issues you have with OW2. It’s such a huge leap forward from this version.

Be interesting to see how it compares to something more akin to when OW1 was actually good.

I always considered that OW1 and OW2 the same game, at the time OW2 came out I saw no notable changes, except the Battle Pass and 5vs5.

Yhh is fun to compare, I would love play a little more with old Hanzo kit or Mercy, simply I’m not a fan of Open Queue, never really enjoyed any event in Open Queue format. I remember I got so happy when Role Queue came out in OW1

If they are just going to do these as historical snap shots to say “look at what we used to have”.

A couple of weeks of a goats mode could be pretty fun.

OW2 is still throwing out one sided matches…

Blizzard, any idea when you’ll make OW2 matches balanced?

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Would be great if they just brought OW back to BattleNet, as it was when they shut it down.

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They definitely should do that I want to play OG DF…


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They spoke about such things in the recent Q&A with spilo. (Summary linked below)

The short version is “One-sided matches are mostly not due to matchmaking”

Other nuggets

“Half of narrow competitive matches have predicted win probabilities of 51% to 49% or closer” “95% of matches are within 55% to 45% win probabilities”

So people are, based on data, getting “fair” matches. Humans aren’t perfect and make mistakes, these in game mistakes and poor decisions are mostly what lead to 1 sided games.

The fact they did a lot of research shows that they know the matches are coming up as one-sided all too often. It was very Very rarely a problem for me in OW. All of a sudden, it can’t be down to “Humans aren’t perfect and make mistakes”.

I had a match in the past where the tank was 6 division above the one on my team, and he dominated. Literally. I’ve also been matched against a 4 stack, my team got dominated.

They used language of “as best as we can tell”, and they said they won’t rule out that matchmaking does not make one-sided matches. It could be that these developers didn’t develop the matchmaker.

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They did their research, the number crunching and all that and discovered what most people realise.

Of course. They’d be stupid to say anything other han that. Even if they had a 100% hit rate of no match maker problems. To quote something more from my world “past performance is no guarantee of future results”.

You’ll always have the odd smurf, cheater or whatever that scuff the numbers. But in a normal game, given that 95% (as they claim) are well within match making tolerances… It’s probably unlikely to be the reason a games onesided.

Unless you have other data that contradicts what they’ve said… (Data, not anecdotal tales of past events that have no evidence)