Smurfing is a big issue! Just read it

It’s not a 1v6. Your performance is directly impacted by your teams. E.g. suicidal Rein.

Then it was a pointless to bring it up.

We’re giving negative feedback on the forums. Literally the function of a game forum. That will hopefully lead them to changing their bad system.

I’m yet to see a single good argument as to why smurfing should be allowed at all other than that it makes Blizzard more money.

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Because that’s the only reason man, they allow it because it makes them more money. Anyone that disagrees is just silly, how can purchasing more than one copy of the game not make them more money.

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How much money do they make from new?

The annual statements will help you find your answers.

(you will find they really don’t like actual smurf accounts and ban them when reported, but most people just report alt account that had a good game)

In addition to all the posts made, I think one should not justify for thinking the same way as you do. Because one thing that is without doubt a very serious side effect of smurfs is the motivation of players.
The amount of “lower ranked” players quitting or potentially quitting this game eventually will rise because at some point or day when you queued up against 4-5 smurfs, people are fed up.
And it is not gonna cut it to tell those players to “get gud” they simply switch the game and that’s that.

Hypothetically true.

But most people saying “you smurf ner ner ner” are not actually playing against a smurf account. Or have zero proof of it.