Smurfing is still a thing, and i have proof it is reportable

Let me tell you the only problems about smurfing is when they are deranking and losing games to keep there rank but since its soo ok to be unskilled in this game that to is ok

Also, if you read the whole post, youā€™ll notice something interesting:

  1. Boosting. This is behavior some players engage in in Competitive Play where one player is more skilled than their partner and attempts to ā€œcarryā€ the lower skilled player to a higher skill tier.

Boosting is bad and we are very actively working on preventing and punishing this behavior. Rules like the 500 SR differential in Comp above Diamond exist because of Boosting. There is nothing about Boosting that is acceptable and we want you to know that we are taking great efforts to minimize the impact on ā€œfairā€ players.

Quick question: Would you consider boosting cheating?

Boosting is easy in this game since they are heroes loke mercy and rine its not the peoples falt that they abuse something thats easy to abuse

And in the past, lynching was okā€¦

That argument works with anything so itā€™s rather weak.

So basically those, who sabotage the gameā€¦
Yet exactly that has the consequence that makes them cheaters by definition.
They sabotage the game stay or lower the rank, giving them an unfair advantage in their future games.

The question is, wether itā€™s cheating, not wether itā€™s possible.

Well smurfs will win 50% of their games then trow evem more to derank giving back what they took.

But really smurfing inst as much of a problem people make it out to be just get gud and you wont have any problems.
The least this game needs atm is to spend money to fix something that they themself dont look at as a problem. Now when a smurf is deranking you can report hom for that but since blizzard dont punish people who do bad it makes it look like its ok.

If smurfs are removed this game will have only 10 mill copyes or so making for a bad face and blizzard do know that.

Like a dude made avideo about 3 games he was vs a low level widowmaker she reckd him team twice and everyone called her a smurf but on the 3ed hame she was on his team and lost to aperantly keep a low rank.
And that bringd a good question
Did that widow had 2 good games and 1 bad or was she a smurf?

And how will blizzard pubish smurfs? This guy won a game lets bann him lmao to many innocent people will get false reported for thatā€¦ giving low players more automated tools to abuse.

Most people play fps and moba games since 2000 so what if they buy an account now and do better then the people in there rank do we have ro bann them

And how does that prove they are not cheating?

Based on your arguments, you just enforce my argument.

They get an unfair advantage byā€¦

ā€¦in a nutshell, staying at a low rank.

And the activity they engage that grants the unfair advantage is:

They are still cheaters by definition.

Given the fact that blizzard stays true to the code of conduct (reports for chat abuse), I doubt they let them run free because 1. they are cheating by definition and 2. they are, technically speaking, boosting other players, which Blizzard doesnā€™t want.

That is indeed a good question, a question Iā€™ve mentioned the whole timeā€¦

My core argument is that downgrade-smurf are cheating by definition, not that smurfs should be banned.

Taking a look at how the report system work any change that can punish a good player will be abused.

Just doesnt make sence to invest in this problem that out since the dawn of comp games.

In wow you just need to make a new char and youre arena rank 0 when on your furst one you can be top 10 world.

In wow it was a tactic to grind rank get in top 100 and play on your alts to derank other people so that they dont close up to you and your main is safe from deranking by losing.

And lets face it some heroes just promote bad skill and boosting.

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Maybe if you read what I said, youā€™d understand.

Even if you ā€˜get betterā€™ youā€™re most likely still not the level of that smurf. Smurfs are generally Master and above, so youā€™re telling me. If youā€™re in silver, and you just ā€˜get betterā€™ youā€™re going to be at the same skill level as the smurf? No. The answer is no. And if you were as good as the smurf, youā€™d be in Masters anyway. So thats the end of it. Bye

Just to be clear, I get what you are saying regarding smurfs etc. But my Issue isnā€™t wether smurfs should be tolerated.

The question is still the same: Is smurfing cheating?

Based on my arguments, it is clearly cheating by definition.

Regarding smurfs being a problem, Iā€™m completely neutral about that. I hardly met smurfs in my games or at least it seems like it so I canā€™t give a proper opinion about that.

My question is not whether smurfing is ok.

My question is wether smurfing is cheating by definition

I think out of 20 mil smurfs or so only the once who are i top 500 can be a problem thats about 100 or so smurfs.
Even if its a problem or cheating(for me its non of this) its not wise to invest in that and add more tools to be abused in a game rated and played by 12 yolds.

This is just a problem that cant be fixed if you dont want smurfs in your game you make it known early on in season 1 or 2 not in season 11 and furder more this report system so far made me buy 4 accounts by false reports so for me blizzard are pushing people to buy new and more accounts.

Listen, Iā€™m asking wether downrank-smurfing can be considered cheating, not wether smurfing is a porblem

So let me ask youā€¦

How is it not cheating? I gave you an explanation why it is cheating by definition:

If you still think itā€™s not cheating then you must see a flaw in my argument I donā€™t see.

Having skill is not unfair.
Unless his using a 3ed person program.
Giving people tools to punish players who might have had a good win streak is unfair.
On top of that its a fps to the core of the game so levels and ranks to an extand dont matter in this game. You can be a top 500 mercy main and then when you smurf no one will tell, so it will just yet again ad a duble standard.

That part:

Has nothing to do with the question whether smurfing is cheating by definition. Please stick by that one issue.

So the flaw in my argument is that skill can never be unfair. What if the system promises you to play with other players of a similar skill level? If one player tricked the system to play with less skilled players, would that be unfair?

Paying 40 euro is not tricking the system and not the good players problem it takes alot for time for the game to spot your ā€œreal rankā€
And by law blizzard cant close an accoint for doong good in a game without a 3ed person program activ or violating the code.

You might think that it breaks the code but in reality it doesnt. Since this advantage isnt from the other player being good but from the other team being bad.

With tricking the system, I mean playing terribly on purpose to get to a lower rank.
After all, you have to sabotage the game in order to do that.

Would such a trickery make it unfair?

You can report him for that but good luck blizzad doesnt punish bad skill.
I this game you need to be extreakly unlucky or toxic to get punished and smurfs dont trow in obvius ways.

A smirf will pick widow or hanzo and just miss on purpuse by aimong a little of so no way to prove that his unskilld or trowing.

For the last time, Iā€™m asking wether smurfing can be considered cheating, not wether smurfing should be bannedā€¦

Cheating is bannable by defalth.
People get banned for leaving the game and rejoining to swap heroes slightly faster in comp. Now that what real cheating looks like.

So by your logic, smurfing is bannable because itā€™s cheating by definitionā€¦

Can you please answer my previous question: