Smurfs, can you kindly remove yourselves from the game pool?

Messy would’ve lost the world championship ruining his own career and possibly that of his team mates who might not want to play with him in the future.

I think Messy should start in a school (QP below 25) and play with a different team of his own league as a goal keeper practising basic skills.

In a “perfect world” one should be able to do this on the same account but in OW this isn’t possible.

A too wide skill gap is difficult to close. You don’t learn much from getting destroyed. My mccree is platinum, my genji was way below that somewhere around silver.

I’d get destroyed and after losing 1000-1500SRs I couldn’t take it so seriously. My mccree is close to 3000SR. My genji was silver when I started. I still don’t know what could you learn from getting destroyed. There is a possibility that my main would receive a ban because of reports and I wouldn’t be able to play with my friends when they are online.

I’m semi-casual semi-pro player so I’m not dead serious about SR anyway but how could I be more serious about my main SR if it would fluctuate like hell and I had to deal with an army of toxic players who reported me after every second match?

Fantastic. And what about destroying the experience of higher skilled players?

That’s exactly what you get with an alt account. After a few levels you play QP against similarly skilled players. By the time you reach level 25 you start Comp with a fairly well calibrated SR/MMR.

The skill difference can be huge between two heros. Most heros are similar (e.g.: mccree, soldier) but some are extremely different (e.g.: mccree, genji, doomfist) so your SR can also be very different with them.

Life isn’t about who deserves what, it’s about who can get what. I had options to choose from when I started learning a new hero and after analysing the situation I picked a method I found the best from my perspective. Given the quality of the alternatives an alt account is still the best for most players.

I personally don’t have the time to master an array of heros and many other players have even less than I have. While my account is quite high level I haven’t played a lot of competitive because my PC was crashy when I started and took some time to locate the problems.

One tricking has many reasons, lack of time, preference to play only favourites. And it is possible to find out the usefulness of some heros only after reaching a certain rank. You can’t pick a good selection of heros when you start climbing. If you could do that then you were probably very lucky.

I guess its time to “put the dot on the disscussion”.
The whole thing is hypocritical, wich ever view you take.
Pro smurfers feel like they’d ruin the experience for their rank so they go to lower elos “less important ones” to “ruin the experience”.
My view - They should not be given the safety of “not ruining their ranked experience” and in doing so every one is accountable for their own actions.
Imagen if we’d have the oposite. Bronze players played in top 500 and gm.
The argument is the same, except its backwards. The bronze players would drop back to bronze pritty fast, but in doing so they’d ruin the experience.
Now, i wonder how you’d respond to that.
Ofc they’d have to buy an account thats OF A DIFFERENT SKILL LEVEL THEN THEIR TRUE SKILL. Oh wait.
And no 25 levels and the 10 placements dont mean squat, look at kabajii who reacently placed plat.
Now honestly do you think what he did was fare? Sure it had the cause of teaching / showing that there is no elo hell, but the point is still there. it was a Higher skilled player playing against lower skilled ones.
I can only imagen the feeling the enemy had when they knew they where playing vs kabajji in their mid plat game.
This is why i feel it is unjust and essencially toxic for the game to smurf.
Im sorry i “got the last oneliner in” but i need to sleep.
I appreciate you humoring me.
Edit: i just realised, the thred dident get closed o.0 holy shi we might have actually done some meaningfull discussion here.
I should do this more often xD

A dot is placed on the discussion only if it gets closed or when the parties leave.

My view - They should have better methods to learn new heros without the negative side effects I mentioned. This would still not eliminate all kinds of smurfs but would do so with a lot of them.

A new account is cheap and until you come up with a better solution there will be players who are willing to pay the price of a few cups of coffee to avoid the issues I’ve mentioned. Even with a better solution to learning: other types of smurfs will still smurf. Whether it’s good or bad, I’m simply describing reality. You can come with moral based opinions and instructions, those won’t have much effect on a lot of players. They want the best available solution their problems and playing a few bucks to avoid a list of negative experiences is a good deal for many.

They would never be placed to high rank based on their performance after 25 levels of QP.

I don’t know kabajii and I don’t know how good he is with the heros he played. If he was placed in plat (top of PBSR range) then the game recognised his good mechanical skills quite well.

Some high rank players were complaining on the forum about throwers who reached high rank as support and started playing DPS on a sub-par level. Since the introduction of private profiles they can’t really verify their assumptions. Perhaps this is Blizzard’s mediocre solution to the learning problem…

Let’s theoretically say that a 4k SR DPS main player buys a new account since he wants to play support on a 2nd account
He plays support on this account and places roughly Platinum because regardless of how good you are, the game will throw you around 2.7-2.9k from placements on almost every support on a lvl 25 account
He’ll slowly rank up, his Ana Zenyatta or Lucio ‘‘mechanical’’ skill will improve but he already had amazing game sense since he was 4k prior
He’ll be better and outperform the rest
Same goes for a supp going dps or tank going dps and so on
People will outperform in game sense and they’ll have an easier time learning Mechanics of the class since most likely their AIM is already very good (1 good example is XQC saying he has dogsh*t aim but he’s above 2.9k plats for sure in terms of raw aim)
There’s no way to remove this kind of things
If you see a Smurf popping off and he’s only level 25, he’s most likely just on a 2nd account he just bought
He’ll be sent out of average rank fairly quickly and there’s a slim chance you’ll ever see him again
And I doubt any1 else plays on a level 800 account in platinum while he’s 4k by default unless he’s boosting, which is a completely diff story/complaint

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peps will stop smurfing and one tricking when the MMR sistem goes away. till then
no chance enough said

What is going to happen if nothing is going to be done about Smurfing/boosting is that people will get tired of that crap and notice that company doesn’t do anything which unfortunately will encourage this sort of players to actually start cheating cause the game has gone from 50€ to 20-25€ . They will do it cause they see “oh these smurfs/boosters not getting banned might as well start cheating since this company doesn’t care anyway”

why don’t you remove yourself and your whining from the forums?

as long as Blizzard is getting money they don’t care

Unfortunately there is no clear cut way of catching a smurf