Smurfs everywhere

Hi guys, recently i noticed that ranked is full of smurfs, especially in ranks like plat. It´s just not fun tpo play every second match against a team which gets hardcarried by a smurf. Blizzard should bann smurfing or fix it somehoew else. If it´s a smurf which ranked his smurf in the same rank as his main, its no prpblem, but usually players which are dia and higher get ranked in one or two ranks lower than ther main account. Then they climb with the smurf and ruin the game for the enemy team. Please fix your game blizard.

What is your definition of a smurf?

Smurf - sad, cringy person who cannot win at own rating, so it comes to buying new account and getting placed in lower rating then calls everybody hardstack when gets destroyed by another smurf with higher skill level.

You guys are sad and killing already dying game. I will go back to Dota. At least they are openly hunting smurfs now with their new “Overwatch” system. Which is ironic as fk.

Personal emotions aside. That sounds like an alt account, and not a smurf.

If they just level and place they will inevitably be a bit lower than their mains (less MMR data, takes a safe bet).

Now if they derank, and sit around in a lower rank pretending to be something they are not then stomp people. Then you might have a point.

" Smurfing is when a highly-skilled player creates a secondary account as a disguise to play against less proficient opponents. This almost always results in the Smurf steamrolling their lower-level adversaries, which might be hilarious for the better player but usually leaves their victims bitter."

Thats what I said, but less profane.

All my friends quited overwatch because of smurfs. I personally wish from the bottom of my heart that there should be special “report for smurfing” option which will not ban players but will place them against the same reported persons (also can add toxic players into this mess too). Or make that stupid endorsement level mean something and dont pit 1 endorsement toxic smurf with legit players.

I 100% actual smurfs need to be hunted down and removed.

But most people don’t even know what they are accusing them off. and 99% of the time, it isn’t even a smurf account.

I have master-gm as support, master-diamond as tank and plat - diamond as dps.

So I can see when there is GM widowmaker poping heads like its OWL in plat.

And if they are on a new account in diamond, ranking up. Nowt wrong with that at all.

‘Smurfing’ is a 25 years old term that seems to have lost its meaning because people just throw it about when they get slapped about in a game.

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That is the thing. They are not “new”. They are not ranking up. They dont care if the win or not. They can easily throw game because “ha its my 5th alt account, feel free to report lmao”, throw racial slurs and be toxic af. They come to platinum, destroy you or enemy team and that makes ranks obsolete sometimes. Its not fun to play competitive anymore. And if you dont have fun then whole point of gaming is lost.

That is different to what you described

A masters/GM player, will most likely get placed about 3400 on a new account.

If they are throwing games then that needs to be punished. But they could do that on their main, the new account part is irrelevant in that “crime”.

If they place 3400 and just play to win and rank up. They’ve done zero wrong.

I’m pretty sure 80% of alt accounts are smurfs.

People don’t need to throw on an alt to become a smurf anyways.
And well… it’s acknowledged that smurfs are an issue, though it isn’t always that easy to action them.

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Yeah you should know lol. Still smurfing though

Basically everyone that kills them in a solid and legit way and its lower than level 200. I am positive that 90% of the people complaining about smurfs are hard stuck dudes that can’t get better and deflect blame into others.

But then again everyone knows that 87% of the stats on the internet are made up so everyone can live their dream :rofl:

I’ve lost count of the amount of accusations of smurfing I have had… Despite just trying to learn the game.

It is flattering, but really dim.

(see above)

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Because the funny thing is, you actually are a smurf. You’re Nightwing, and you claim to be a new player. It’s hysterical dude. You’ve won 2262 games on Nightwing, which means you’ve had plentyyyyyy of experience. I think others are aware that it’s you, considering how obvious it is lol.

  1. I am not them.
  2. Looking at their profile they are gold.
  3. Looking at my profile I am gold.
    So if that was me, this would be an alt, not a smurf.

It is only “obvious” to you. But then I think you’ve been smoking something and are just jealous that I enjoy playing the game.

As I said, it is a bit of a dim accusation. And actually just toxic behaviour that I keep flagging you for.

You should type and talk differently to disguise yourself dude. Well I’m not trolling so it’s hardly reportable, I’m just stating a fact. :slight_smile:

I just type as me.

I’m not interested in trying convince you. You behaviour has already put you in the waste of my time box.

You’re acting like you’re a new player when it’s clear you aren’t. So yes, this puts you in the smurfing category. Just stop.

Sorry. Didn’t realise anyone asked.