So apparently I'm cheating

Was playing widow on Gibraltar (~2500sr, I can probably climb higher if I play more dps (I’ve been diamond dps at some point) but the queue time is just too long). I guess they are not used to a widow that hits some hs and aim with flicks because before accusing me of cheating (first “rage hacking” wathever that’s supposed to mean, than wallhacking as they don’t seem to understand they mechanics of widow’s ult or venom mine or even sound queues) they said I have a “weird aimstyle”. Anyway here is the replay code: 6EF5K2, I’m posting it before one of these enlightened players (mainly both of the ennemy dps, the main tank a bit too) try to get me banned using the forum (if it’s even possible).


The “fun” part of playing widow, if you land HS’s you cheat, if you don’t they report you for throwing.


I find in lowly bronze that widow is usually a bad pick, only cos she needs good aim and positioning, so probably best in the hands of a more experienced player.

u need to get banned, obviously. Im serious. Diamond widow in 2500, u cant play with people like you because u too bad on 3000+? f**g smurf

Lmao he literally said he PROBABLY could climb higher but if he doesn’t want to try what’s wrong with that?

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Dude I have one account gold border what are you on about?