Sojourn nerf suggestion

Hi, at high rank sojourn seems OP. Those dps players don’t miss that one hit-kill skill (high impact shot). My suggestion would be to turn it into a DOT damage so that at least supports can heal it. Now there doesn’t really seem to be a counter to it.

There’s a huge nerf scheduled for Sojourn, it won’t happen until the next battlepass for “mmhmf definitely not commercial” reasons I’m sure.

I have a feeling the Railgun will do some impact and then some bleeding, instead of oneshotting.

She is OP at all ranks, that is how power levels work…

The rail gun just needs to be made a narrower shot like it was in the beta, and make it harder to charge up (ie, no charge earned off shields for a start).


Make the railgun work like a railgun - add a delay similar to Mei’s icicle.


Actually, this is a pretty decent suggestion.

it is getting really to the point that if the other team has a good sojourn, we are obliged to also go sojourne to counter them.


And if you’re a good Sojourn it is usually free wins.

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Agree with this. That absolutely needs to go.

they did buff the size of the hitbox before launch, they could just revert it.