SR PROBLEM - I'm tired

I have an issue with my current state of sr gain/loss system. I’m so frustrated and tired that for every game i win i gain less than 20 sr and if i lose i lose almost 30. Why is that?

This is the way it works from my experience and from what I’ve heard. If this is not it, it’s gonna be close (to be clear I am frustrated with it too but I don’t think it’s horrible). The sr gain/loss is based on two factors:

  • How well you played according to the game. This considers time spent on fire, hero damage dealt, elims and some other stats.
  • How good you are in general according to the system. This is called MMR (Matchmaking rating) and considers your performance way more severely. It changes way less then sr and it influences it: if your sr is lower then your MMR, and you win, you get more points, and if you lose, you lose less. If your sr is higher then your MMR (so you are higher then the game thinks you deserve), and you win, you get fewer sr, and if you lose, you lose more.
  • in addition to this, there is a huge boost for crazy stats below plat. If you deal 2k damage per minute and you are on fire the whole match in gold, you are probably gonna gain 40 sr or something like that.

Okay so I play support and the lowest i was was two seasons ago around like 800 so now that im close to 1500 the game thinks i basicli cheated my way in and tries to keep me lower. This is sad but meh. And i want to ask, is there a way to chceck my mmr?

My tip… if you sre playing and worrying about your SR, you are doing something wrong.

If you focus on improving your game play and game sense, making small improvements each time you play. You will quickly start to win more, and gain more for wins.

No there isn’t, and most of what I wrote up there is speculation.

As a ranked addicted game, who spent 600 hrs of his life playing this game climbing from bronze to plat, I want to tell you a few things:

  • Ranked has not been done to make people climb. Climbing is mathematically a tough task, and you have to carry.
  • The only way to get around this is to just have a good mindset and grind all the way up to where you wanna be.
  • Arguably there is a problem with the way overwatch takes into consideration stats from months ago, but this doesn’t mean the system is broken: I am currently stuck in low gold after I dropped when tracer got banned, but I can still say with relative certainty that wins/losses is an accurate way to determine your rank, and even if you are really getting this unlucky with sr gain/loss, you can climb if you just statistically play better then the people at your rank

MMR is rightly hidden, but is calculated on a rolling basis. Old stuff is given less value over time compared to new. So your MMR does improve over time, as long as you are improving.

Winning or losing doesn’t really effect your MMR. It is calculated purely on statistical performance.


I still think the balance of that is a little off, but that’s minor IMO.

It does very slowly.

It doesnt at all? I thought it did at least a bit.

Nah winning and losing matter not. Most because the basis of people’s MMR is set from QP, which is a complete clown fiesta in terms of trying to win.

This is all based off someone I know who used to work there about 2 years ago… so they might have tweaked it since, but I doubt it.

Nice! Thanks for the sweet knowledge.

Below diamond the SR system is performance based. If you lose more SR on a loss than you gain on a win, it means that you’re trash and are underperforming.
Assuming the best case scenario, which would be that you started playing the game the exact day the event started, it’s been 10 months since then yet you’re still level 123. You can’t learn the game if you play once a month, you need to put time and effort to get better.
That being said and based on the fact that your most played hero is Mercy, here’s a couple of tips for you:

  • Always try to play near the objective with whoever is near it.
  • Stay mostly on heals because damage boosting in bronze is a waste of time. Keeping the special needs kids alive down there is way more efficient than trying to damage boost them.
  • Don’t rez anyone who isn’t near the objective.
  • Don’t rez anyone who is on or near the objective but the rez isn’t safe to pull off because there are enemies nearby.
  • You need to stay safe and not die at all times. Pay attention to the killfeed and once you see that your guys are dying back up without second thoughts about leaving the remaining couple of your teammates to die.

Hope that helps, good luck.

The less you care about that digital number called sr the more you’ll enjoy actually playing Overwatch and you’ll be immersed more in to the game.

The more you care about SR the more you’ll stress and frustrate yourself over what is basically a useless number than means nothing to you and me.

If we were pros and got paid to win and play, different story.


If you want to climb, focus on improving not your SR. You’ll be surprised at the results.

As dumb as the “git gud” meme is, there is base merits to its origin. If you want to climb, learn to be a better player.

I dont know where did you get that, but that is 100% false.
MMR does change with winning and losing, but its based on averages so it changes slower than the current SR.

You can go on a “lucky” week from 2000 to 3000 but your internal MMR might have gone from 1950 to 2700 only, because you spent several seasons in that range. What you said is only true for people that NEVER played comp before, therefore the first MMR value is taken from QP.

Again see above.
This was disclosed publicly when winning and losing streaks were a thing though and yeah, it was changed a lot. Thats why alts or smurfs get really fast to the rank of its user, sometimes faster than its actual main : Because new accounts lack the “history” or “stuck stats” that drag the MMR behind, so it goes up really fast.