Stop complaining about smurfs

We all have seen MILION complains about smurfing. WE GET IT already. People hate smurfs because they ruin lower elo games. Let me tell you.
In every FPS COMPETITIVE GAME … THERE ARE SMURFS!!! Every , and that can’t be fixed, people are always going tu get new accounts no matter what. And btw, every smurf is eventually going to get to their rank anyways, its just a matter of time.
And when a streamer is smurfing thats ok? , iv seen nobody complain about their favorite streamer doing unranked to gm. Like please get over it!


Not here to complain - I don’t like to be matched with or against high rank smurfs, ruins the match for me. But I’m on the fence, since I definitely don’t encounter them as much as some people would make you believe. It’s… a nuisance, let’s call it that.

Here to call out the flaws in your logic, though.

I rarely encounter the same smurf, certainly when I’m not queuing for DPS and there’s an automatic queue dodge when playing another role. But for every smurf ranking up to his correct rank, there is at least one new one taking his place. Again, not claiming smurfing is the biggest problem in OW, but this argument is just flawed.

  1. That’s simply not true. I bet most of the people actually complaining about smurfs would also complain about these streamers.
  2. There used to be “bronze to GM” streams and those were highly problematic, since there was most likely some deranking involved. I have no problem with “unranked to GM”.

There are two kinds of smurfs: the ones purposely staying in low ranks because it strokes their ego, and the ones actually making new accounts for several reasons, and just play with those accounts. Not many people are complaining about the latter, but you seem to lump them all together.

True, but i see people complaining alot, and it’s simply 1 answer, like get over it nobody can fix that. Even tho you lose that game you atleast got the experience to play against higher elo right?. And yes deranking is really bad im against that but i support smurfing actually, why wouldnt someone create a new account , like new meta they can’t play on main , boom secound account enjoy playing.

Save those arguments for a thread where people actually complain about smurfing though. Making a thread complaining about people who complain is silly.


Overwatch is a lot more toxic than most other multiplayer games.


when people stop smurfing, we will stop complaining :slight_smile: if you don’t like the complaints, get blizzard to stop smurfs, or ignore it

unless of course you are a smurf yourself


I am a smurf my self, i have mutliple smurfs in 4.4/3 elo and i placed all in master’s in the biggining. And i did it because i couln’t play what i wanted on main.

what do you mean with competitive this game is a unbalanced joke , you only play this to get some shooting done and log off again . even tea talk is better watched on twitch then this disaster ?

so you find it fun throwing down to lower ranks and destroying lower ranked players?..

because thats what a smurf is, not an alt account at the same rank as your main…


Well no i don’t find it fun, its annoying but i got my account to my sr quickly, and with fair games . Yes i did do better then others but still.
And i don’t create smurfs to destroy lower elo, i create them to play something i wan’t in my elo without risking my main account.

then its not a smurf, its an alt… and its not a problem and you’re not what people are complaining about…

a smurf, is someone who gets an account, purposely throws to get to a lower rank… just so they can use their main heros to absolutely destroy lower ranked people with no contest

Well i don’t agree with that, that is just a big ego boost.

yup, and its a massive problem that is justified in complaining about for us lower ranked people who can’t play the game because of it

People shouldnt do that. I didn’t know … hmm i thought smurfing / altaccs all the same . But my point still stays, it will always be in games can’t be fixed :frowning:

understandable ive met loads of people who conflate smurfing and alting…

this account i have is an alt and i have been accused of being a smurf, but this account is the same rank as my main account… so its not

it may always be in games, but it can be dealt with…

for instance if heros were balanced correctly for their ranks then smurfs would have a harder time abusing higher skilled heros in lower ranks (but alot of people don’t like this argument)

then there is limiting extra accounts or linking them some way so that smurfs can’t throw to lower ranks without effecting their main account… (this requires a competent consumer friendly company and not a money grubbing dumpster fire like blizzard)

there are ways of doing it… but meh…

makes: ''stop complaining about smurfs ‘’ thread

quelle surprise…Lets just move on lads.

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the whole ideology of smurfing is bad, you through other peoples games because you want to play at a lower rank. so smurfs are a bad thing. there’s no debating that. however people now exaggerate what smurfing is. for example I peaked masters on console, switched to pc. obviously my game sense transferred over but not my mechanics. I started of gold two season ago. I am now master on tank and diamond dps. and in that time I was called a smurf very other game. there’s nothing you can do about it. they are PAYING MONEY to do this. all yo can do is report them when they are throwing. but owning an account in a lower sr isn’t the worst thing in the world. yes it ruins games. but the people doing it are spending money and I think its around 15 hours to get to level 25. there is no point complaining there is very little us as a player base and blizzard can do.


I don’t smurf in lower rank, i play on my level, and on an account thats like for example tracer only or etc, because i can’t play that on main currently so i dont play on main (Here) to play on there and have fun ( still in my rank)

My problem here is these would be alt accounts and not smurfs.

The historical meaning of smurfs has been diluted because of people who refer to all their alt accounts as smurfs.

Smurfs have always been account that people have manipulated to be in lower ranks for nefarious means/“playing with friends”.

So, alt accounts = fine… smurf accounts = should be punched in the nads.


Well, i did not know that sorry!

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