Suggestion: adjust the placing of new account

This is not a toxic post so read 1st plx :slight_smile:

I need to explain this by giving an example:
If you make a new account, lvl to 25 and then so the placements it’s easy to get to gold.I think I am a good healer, decent tank but still need ALOT of improving on my dps chars.
I did my placements as dps lost alot but still got to gold placements.
(I won everything on healer and also got gold placements???)
So it might be that gold is the default placements ??? I have no idea

But here is the main problem.
My dps should be in silver with other people that are also working on improving their class to climb the ladder.
Getting in gold means I could mess up for the people that have put their time in to become a better player and deserve to be in gold.

The ranking system would be strange
bronze = mostly casual gamers (and people that suffering from leavers)
silver = people that want to make more effort to climb
gold = people that improved and still want to improve more to climb higher + new accounts that still need to learn alot

ofcourse this is a bit of a black-white description, there is alot more to it…but I hope that people understand what I mean

My suggestion is to have a cap on the placements for new account.
At max place the players on halfway silver.
If they are good they will be in gold soon and if they need improvement, silver is the place to be for them

plx let me hear your ideas and support this topic if you agree

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Because what we need is definitely to make smurfing easier /s

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So there are more smurfs then new players ???

In case smurfing is the biggest problem then yeah you are 100% rigth and my suggestion would make smurfing alot easier.
In case I am right these new players will be a bigger “issue” if the get a ranking that is too high for them.

If you have some real numbers I would like to see it
(I am curious so it’s not meant as beeing toxic, i am always open for good debates and sometimes I could be wrong)

Another problem is people identifying others as smurfing.
It’s not always clear but people feel it’s smurfing while it’s sometimes not the case.
And just bying a 2nd account doesn’t always mean you are going to smurf.

It’s not a problem cause it’s a source of revenue, companies don’t care about costumer, the care about money, as long as its going in its all good. Who gon pay more? Ppl using same old acount trying to climb? Or ppl already at the top buying one account every 2 months to stomp on lower lvls? To them smurfs ain’t a problem.

I haven’t got any data, but personally I would not buy the game in its current state.

But the point is that allowing people to access the low ranks more easily is the exact opposite of helpful. It puts people below their actual skill level based solely on how recently they bought their account, which literally does not matter at all.