Thank you blizzard

I just wanted to thank you blizzard for finally permabanning my account. You have turned one of the most amazing, most fun games to the most toxic and disgusting ones to date. Everything, from your balance changes, to your patch notes, overwatch league and especially your matchmaking system and community. It’s the most toxic by far: if you add league of legends’ and csgo’s it’s not that bad. Everyone owns smurfs and that’s fine. What’s not fine is to have to wait 10min just to get a dps smurfing boosting his gold mercy to diamond rekt the crap out of you. So thank you and GGWP (for your reference I kept it clean :D)


Sorry if you’re becoming toxic because of this then it’s your fault not Blizzard their fault.


no it’s not, they messed up so bad most players feel this way :smiley:

If you resort to toxicity because you find the enviorment Blizzard has created then it’s wrong, toxicity is player behavior… you’re contributing to the problem.


Yeah I’m with system here.

No matter how much you dislike something. Or how much it annoys you.

It is 100% your choice to react in the way you do.

Getting banned for toxicity then deflecting all the blame on to things that are definitely not responsible for your attitude is just a bit sad really.


don’t let these trolls tell you otherwise, blizzard is 100% at fault here, hopefully you will find a better game bud, GL

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If you have actual passion for the game you’d try to actively communicate with devs and the playerbase.
Suggesting things and trying to get through these issues together.

OP here is becoming toxic, this makes me believe they do not actually wish the best for this game as they’re actually not trying to make the game a better place.
If you want the game to be a better place, then that starts always with yourself.
Second to that OP could have bad influence on other players, resulting in them stopping due to toxicity or becoming toxic themselves… practically making the issue worse rather than looking for solutions.

Also you have to call me a troll… really? That’s just a bit offending.

i wasn’t calling you specifically a troll… offense is taken not given, if you choose to take offense at a generalisation then it is on you sorry…

also… the people kicking up the biggest fuss, are the people who enjoyed the game the most, human beings tend to react this way, it is normal, and has been for hundreds of thousands of years… especially when you are ignored or better yet chastised for your opinions

blizzard are at fault for making this community what it is through their choices, i have never played another game with a more toxic community than this, and ive played rust…

enough said

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Behavior still lies with the user, we’ve had plenty of people who’ve kicked up alot of fuss but these users were constructive. This user is just not helping with anything.
Sure Blizzard could possibly be at fault, but OP is not really giving any suggestions to fix this issue.

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nurture over nature my friend…

every action has an equal and opposite reaction… blizzard are the action, the community is the reaction… blame the cause… not the effect

If you can’t control yourself… then obviously you are going to deflect your actions and palm off responsibility.

No one is questioning the fact that people have valid reasons to be annoyed with Blizzard.

The OP could have just said nothing and stopped playing. Has more of an impact on Blizzard as that’s one less active player for their quarterly reports.

And more importantly… you don’t make yourself look like a petulant child that has no self control

Unless you are a minor that has no awareness of your actions (then you can pass responsibility to that persons careers), but that just isn’t the case here. Or pretty much ever in this game.

But as you said… “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”… You behave like a toxic child (action)… you get banned (reaction). You are the cause of your ban, so yeah, blame the cause. Totally agree with you.

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I’m really starting to think EU servers have a bigger smurf problem that NA. Maybe 1/10 games here I’ll notice an actual GOOD smurf who is carrying their team and really causing our team a problem, most times a Widow, or Genji, etc. 1/10?? Yeah I think I’ll take those odds. And why do some people act as if just because there’s a smurf on the other team then all hope is lost? You know smurf can lose too right? Good team comms & positioning overcomes a team with a smurf most times I would say. But of course those things are rare to come by in plat and below.

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What a ridiculous statement and you have made some classics in the past, but that one is rank 1.
If Blizzard gave you a million pounds, you would complain is wasn’t 2 million.
You are never pleased, never positive and contribute nothing but anti-blizzard bile.
Dont you think its time to leave the forum/blizzard games for another product which gives you happiness instead of sadness?

move along little child, i was playing blizzard games back when they were a respectable “For the gamer” company

and not this money grubbing soulless mess they’ve turned into

some of us appreciate how nice and good things were… and don’t need to accept what they are now

Don’t worry. This is the guy that doesn’t like that he can’t make homophobic comments in game, thinks jokes about suicide are actually funny and then claims everyone is bullying him when they disagree with his view. Then calls them an SJW for laughing at him.

Fyi… im Bisexual… litterally can’t be homophobic…

you know what they say about people who assume

Never assumed a thing. Just taking what you’ve said in the past.

I literally couldn’t care less about you IRL. But homophobic comments, no matter the source, are still homophobic.

Me personally… Abusing anyone, for anything, in a video game is abhorrent and should be swiftly banned.

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How do you think Mike Morhaime made his BILLIONS?
Large corporate companies make money, lots of it, be that blizzard before they sold up or the current acti-blizzard. They are all “money grabbing” in different ways.

If you want a consumer friendly game find some story games and have fun, but competitive is not your genre. You’re looking for a toy that you can play with, Allmight, not a challenge that you can take on.

you can make money whilst being a decent company…

it is no excuse for being underhanded corrupt and generally anti-consumer