Thanks for the balance in quick plays!

I like balance in quick play. It’s so nice to be matching against this:
https ://

I’ve heard myths about MMR or something but it’s just a lie. Whenever balance with ranks is this bad it’s completely one sided game and my team is unable to leave the spawn. The truth probably is that in a dying game you can’t guarantee fair balance as there is too few players at the time isn’t that so. Or your balance system for quick play is just broken and you don’t care about it.

Oh. btw, there were few games when in one game there were silver, plat, diamond, gold and master players and that’s just ridiculous

P.S. why you can’t put images and links on the forum? who came up with a such decision?

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Please google things before posting outrage. Its something that has been explained a million times:

  • Experience doesnt equal Rank.
  • Experience is not really a factor for the MMR, it never was.
  • Quick Play doesnt have thresholds or CAPS for SR levels, it just balances on teams averages
  • The most important factors for QP are Stack size, ping and time waiting in queue. Everything else is “secondary”.

PS: Again, something that can be googled. Trust level 3 is required, otherwise this would be a meme spam forum.

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Why then it’s always one sided when matches like this?

Because you see the enemie team and automatically believe that you are going to lose? The fact that you are playing bastion torb probably doesn’t either.

I don’t play bastion and torb

Because it depends on who of the best players of each team has the “good day”.
Once that player starts tearing people apart, the team fights get one sided and stomp happens.

If you want something close to 50/50, you have to go into competitive mode.

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It’s not “always” like that though, this is a clear exaggeration and I think you know this

Likely because if you play as a 6-stack, the enemies will also often be one. They just actually work together, have synergy, might even do callouts. I just assume you don’t and that you solely play casually, while your enemy 6-stack simply doesn’t.

QP is for getting to level 25 to access comp. Its not the game of overwatch in QP why on earth you would want to spend time in QP is a mystery it will make you very bad at the game.

Wrong. I mostly play quick play and I got to masters.