The feeling's back

After not playing Overwatch for 3 months I thought that was it, I’d never get that feeling back where I want to play again every day, but lo and behold, 3 months of playing other games, MW, single player games, old games, new games I have installed and haven’t even played yet, I seem to have gone full circle and now the first game I jump in to is Overwatch again.

I can only share what my own personal reasons for this are and I can only put it down to 1) taking a break, and 2) completely giving up on any hope of this game ever being properly balanced, and just accept that Blizzard will constantly change the heroes balance numbers up and down, for eternity. It’s part of their shtick. Their not iD software with something like Quake, which finds the sweet spot and then they leave it alone. They want Overwatch to always evolve and morph into something different, with different heroes taking the helms and taking over the OP baton until it’s passed on to the next hero.

Oh, and probably the best piece of advice ever, “rank doesn’t matter”, as Stylosa says. I can play 10 comp games in a day, and I don’t even check my SR anymore. It’s completely pointless worrying about it if you’re not a pro and don’t get paid to play this game.

Play it if it’s fun, that’s all that matter to me any more, not some number generated by Blizzard which is useless to me :man_shrugging:


100% with you on the SR.

If you improve you’ll gain anyways. Just learn and have fun. The game shouldn’t be a total sweat fest.


People not complaining about heroes ??? What is this
Im jk im glad to hear other people are enjoying the game im honestly suprised im having fun when my hero isnt great rn

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Thats all you can do. Have fun.

If you want to climb focus on having fun and making improvements.

The moment you start worrying about what rank or SR you are, you’ve lost.

I’ve pretty much climbed small bits every season, just by improving bits. This season focused on becoming competent on Zarya. By doing that im probably going to finish on my highest tank SR and up about 400sr in 2 seasons.

I’m not sure i can do much more with fully time job and little time to play, but we shall see. Many many things I can improve on (obviously).

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Some wise words here The18thFret!

Welcome back :slight_smile:


Thanks Fermlac, but I’m not holding my breath. I know Jeff will do something soon enough to enrage us all over again :crazy_face:


blizzard responds pogU

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CHECKMATE - ferumlac :joy: :joy: :joy:
Nice one BRO! :+1:

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Very good post. Completely agree

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Good for you. Ignoring rank definitely helps… wish it was enough for me - what keeps me away isn’t any meta or change, it’s the lack of communication in games and the single player attitude of too many players who sometimes then cry that the one asking for teamplay is being toxic.

I get plenty of upvotes after the game, but these people who are apparently glad I’m helping them out and trying to get suiciders to work together rarely say a word in agreement or call out for their own gameplay. So what I get is 3-4 good player/shot caller upvotes and bitching from the troll player or 2 in voice or text.

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